
  • 网络fire compartment;fire zone;Fireproofing subarea
  1. 大空间建筑防火分区设置的困扰与建议

    Puzzle and Propose of Fireproofing Subarea on Huge Space Building

  2. 防火分区对消防联动系统的影响

    Effect of fire compartment on combined fire system

  3. 大型建筑防火分区问题的性能化设计探讨

    The discussion of compartmentalization of large-scale buildings with performance-based fire approach

  4. 某大型国际会展中心防火分区划分可行性分析

    Practicability analysis of the fire compart-mentation in an international exhibition center

  5. 浅谈大空间建筑的防火分区设计

    On the Design of Fire Compartmentation to Large-space Building

  6. 大型仓库防火分区问题性能化设计研究

    Compartmentalization of a Large-scale Warehouse with Performance-based Fire Design

  7. 对防火分区与暖通设计的思考

    Reflections on Fire Compartment and Heating Ventilation Design

  8. 民用建筑防火分区设计的探讨

    Discussion on design of fire compartment for buildings

  9. 防火分区合理性评定方法

    Method of reasonable evaluation of fire compartment

  10. 建筑防火分区常见问题成因及对策

    The Formations and Solutions of the Problems Existing in the Fire Compartment of the Buildings

  11. 两种防火分区方式的技术经济比较

    Comparison of two kinds of fire compartments

  12. 地下室风管穿越防火分区无防火隔堵;

    No fire partition installed at the part of basement air pipe through fire partition area .

  13. 对体防火分区方式的讨论

    Discussion on the body fire compartment

  14. 城市电力电缆隧道防火分区及通风分区设计取值

    Data Determination for the Design of Fire Protection Compartment and Ventilation Area of Urban Power Cable Tunnel

  15. 管理模块分为消防设备的管理、防火分区的管理、数据的管理、设备布点的管理和配置文件的管理。

    Management module includes management of device , fireproof region , data , device label and configure file .

  16. 防火分区面积、人员疏散距离、疏散宽度等方面难以满足现有消防规范的要求是目前大型复杂建筑消防设计中经常遇到的问题。

    Large fire compartment , long evacuation distance and short evacuation width are hot topics in the fire design for complex buildings .

  17. 着重从防火分区、防火疏散及防火构造等内环境进行研究,提出一系列防火设计方法,作为具体防火设计的主要设计内容。

    Discussing particularly in fire protection district and evacuation , put forward a series of design methods and make it as the major design content .

  18. 在核安全研究框架内对在受限和通风防火分区内油池火燃烧速率进行了试验研究。

    This paper presents an experimental study dealing with the burning rate of pool fire in a confined and ventilated compartment within the framework of nuclear safety research .

  19. 阐述了建筑消防计中防火分区、安全疏散、防烟排烟、装饰装修及消防给水等应注意的问题。

    The paper elaborates the problems of fire prevention in building design , such as fire prevention area , safety evacuation , smoke prevention and drain house decoration and water supply .

  20. 以重庆某购物中心性能化设计项目为工程背景,对购物中心人员密集的商场和电影院防火分区的防排烟系统和疏散距离进行分析。

    Under the background of the performance design of a shopping center in Chongqing , It analyzes the smoke prevention-purging system and evacuation distance of the compartment on crowded marketplace and cinema .

  21. 而用三维立体的形式表现高层建筑的结构、消防设施分布、防火分区、防火等级和疏散通道等,比以往的文字加图表的形式有整体性强、信息丰富、直观等不可比拟的优点。

    However , it is more integrated and intuitional if we use the mode of 3D to represent the high building 's structure , fire protection establishment 's distributing and evacuated channels .

  22. 以北京太阳星城特殊结构的地下车库为背景,通过列举该车库划分防火分区的不同方案,说明了防火分区设计方案的多样化。

    Based on the special structured underground garage of a sun city in Beijing , and its different fire compartmentation plans , pointed out that the design of the fire compartment diversifies much .

  23. 大空间高层建筑的空间分隔大,防火分区多,设计中应针对不同条件,根据各消防系统的特点采用合适的灭火系统。

    The large space high-rise building is characterized by large spacing and more fire sub-areas . The proper fire extinguishing system shall be adopted according to different conditions and characteristics of each fire system .

  24. 根据某大型超市的建筑设计方案以及人员分布情况,针对该超市各防火分区之间疏散楼梯分布不均匀的问题,提出2种改进设计方案。

    Based on the actual construction design project and the human distribution in some large supermarkets , two improved design projects are presented because the evacuation staircase width of the fire zones are not distributed symmetrically .

  25. 本文运用性能化设计方法对某大型仓库防火分区问题进行分析说明,其结果勿需对空间进行实体分隔,从而实现动态分区。

    In this work , the compartmentalization of a large-scale warehouse was analyzed and explained by performance-based fire design approach , and the results indicated that it isn 't necessary to compart the space of the warehouse by entity .

  26. 此外还阐述了工程设计体会,并指出需逐一计算各防火分区内消防系统同时使用的水量,得出一次火灾最大用水量。

    The experiences in the engineering design were described , and it is proposed that total water consumption for all fire systems used simultaneously shall be added up , so as to obtain the maximum water consumption in one fire disaster .

  27. 依据火灾动力学和火灾发展过程中不同阶段的特点,将火灾由初期发展蔓延到整个防火分区的过程划分为4个阶段,采用概率论和事件树的分析方法,得到了每个阶段的火灾成长概率。

    According to fire dynamics and different characteristics in fire growth process , the process is divided into four phases . By means of probability theory and event tree analysis , fire growth probability and critical time of every phase are calculated .

  28. 通过对此类市场特点的分析,对市场的防火分区、防排烟设计、自动喷水灭火系统设计等方面提出要求和意见,希望对此类市场设计引起重视,确保市场消防安全。

    It puts forward demand & suggestion for fire resistance partition of market 、 anti-exhaust design and design of automatic spraying fire-extinction system through analyzing features of market , and hopes design of market can be emphasized to ensure security of market .

  29. 针对建筑中防火分区常见问题及可能的危害,分析其形成的原因,从规范修订、加强对设计人员培训、正确选用防火分隔方法、监督管理和技术措施等方面提出解决问题的对策。

    This paper analyses the formations of the problems and the fire hazards exiting in the fire compartments of the Buildings , and offers proposals for solving the problems from the two aspects , one of which is the supervision and administration , and the other is the technical measures .

  30. 另有些咨询组织主要处理所属地区或社区的问题,例如地区防火委员会及分区委员会。

    Some advisory bodies , such as the District Fire Safety Committees and Area Committees , deal essentially with district affairs .