
  • 网络Regional fire alarm controller;Region fire alarm and control device;zone fire alarm control unit
  1. 在区域火灾报警控制器中,FM31256芯片的非易失性数据存储器、实时时钟、看门狗等功能,增强系统可靠性。

    The nonvolatile data memory , real-time clock , and watchdog functions of FM31256 chip were adopted by region fire alarm and control device to improve the system reliability .

  2. 集中火灾报警控制器区域火灾报警控制器、火灾探测器等发来的报警信号

    Central fire alarm control unit

  3. 该系统采用三层的分布式结构,底层为探测器,中间层为区域火灾报警控制器,最上层为监控主机。

    This system is with a distributed structure of three-level : the bottom level consists of detector , the middle level is composed of local fire controller , and the top level is charged with supervisory host computer .

  4. 是否在租售区域使用传感器、计时器、及能效装置等来控制电耗?集中火灾报警控制器区域火灾报警控制器、火灾探测器等发来的报警信号

    Are occupancy sensors , timers , and energy efficient fixtures used to control lighting consumption ? central fire alarm control unit