
  • 网络Regional electricity market
  1. 采用基于J2EE架构的系统实现方式。该系统已在华东区域电力市场投入运行。

    The presented power provider group oriented electricity market management system is implemented based on J2EE software architecture , and has been put into use in East China regional electricity market .

  2. 区域电力市场中月度撮合交易竞价机制研究(二)考虑输电价格、输电损耗折价和环保因素的类PAB结算机制

    Research on matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism in regional electricity market , part two & a PAB competition mechanism based on transmission price 、 loss and environmental expenditure

  3. 基于多Agent的区域电力市场辅助决策系统开发

    Development of multi-agent based decision-making support systems for regional power markets

  4. 然后讨论了基于Web技术的区域电力市场辅助决策系统开发的流程,并重点研究了系统的基本构造。

    The paper discusses the development of Decision Aided System for Regional Power Market that based on the WEB technology , and studies its structure .

  5. 区域电力市场下AGC控制模式研究

    Research of AGC Control Mode in Regional Electric Market

  6. 将基于Web技术的区域电力市场辅助决策系统分成日前竞价、月度竞价、报表查询、辅助服务、数据下载、成本分析、市场分析和在线帮助几大模块。

    The system can be divided into several segments , such as Daily Power Market , Monthly Power Market , Data Inquiry , Assistant Service , Data Downloading , Cost Analyzing , Market Analyzing and Help .

  7. 将Agent技术引入区域电力市场辅助决策系统的研究,提出了基于多Agent的区域电力市场辅助决策系统的结构和设计方案。

    The Agent technology is introduced to study the decision-making support system for regional power markets , and the structure and design scheme of the multi-agent based decision-making support system for regional power markets are proposed .

  8. 本文首先简单地介绍目前区域电力市场辅助决策系统的开发情况,并对目前比较流行的Web技术进行分析比较,进一步阐述了各种Web技术在区域电力市场中应用的优缺点。

    At first , the paper briefly introduces the development of Decision Aided System for Regional Power Market at present . Then , the paper analyzes the WEB technology , and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the WEB technology when using in Regional Power Market .

  9. 设计了考虑输电价格和输电损耗折价,并按MCP结算的区域电力市场月度撮合交易竞价机制,它主要解决了区域电力市场中省级电网间存在跨省输电价格情况下的竞争交易问题。

    This paper presents a new matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism . It solves the problems of transmission price between provincial networks in a regional electricity power market .

  10. 国外典型区域电力市场网损分摊方法华中电网WAMS实测区域低频振荡仿真

    REVIEW OF OVERSEAS TYPICAL LOSS ALLOCATION METHODS ; Simulation of Regional Low Frequency Oscillation Based on Data Measured by WAMS of Central China Power Grid

  11. 比较了NETA输电定价方法与一些传统的和当前电力市场中应用的定价方法的异同;在东北区域电力市场进行了试用,并分析了应用中遇到的一些问题。

    The NETA approach and some traditional approaches and the approaches being used on the actual market are compared .

  12. 区域电力市场双边交易阻塞管理实用计算方法

    A practical approach for inter - regional bilateral contracts congestion management

  13. 建立西北区域电力市场的难点分析

    Analysis on difficulties of establishing areal electricity market in Northwest China

  14. 区域电力市场统一交易辅助决策系统框架

    Unified Framework of Aided Exchange Decision-making System in Regional Electricity Market

  15. 区域电力市场中实用网损计算及分摊的研究

    Practical calculation and allocation of transmission losses in regional electricity market

  16. 基于遗传算法的区域电力市场日交易计划

    Daily Transaction Schedule under Regional Power Market Based on Genetic Algorithms

  17. 区域电力市场中市场力的分析及抑制措施

    Analysis and Restraint of Market Power in Regional Electricity Market

  18. 谋划我国区域电力市场由两级过渡到一级之路

    Roadmap from two-level to one-level regional electricity market of China

  19. 浅谈区域电力市场环境下的电价机制

    Initial Research on the Price Mechanism on Condition of Reginal Power Marketing

  20. 区域电力市场交易模式的经济机理剖析二、末日意识

    Analysis of economic mechanism of two regional electricity market models

  21. 考虑网络约束的区域电力市场交易计划

    Transaction Scheduling Considering Transmission Network constrains in regional electricity market

  22. 东北区域电力市场输电定价方案的研究

    Study on the Transmission Pricing Solutions in the Northeast Regional Electricity Market

  23. 区域电力市场竞价机制的理论与实证研究

    Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Bidding Mechanism of Regional Electricity Market

  24. 建立东北区域电力市场的有利条件和风险

    The Favorable Conditions and Risks for Setting up Electricity Market in Northeastern Region

  25. 区域电力市场运营系统部署方案

    Electricity Market Operation System in China Regional Electricity Market

  26. 区域电力市场阻塞管理方法评述

    Review of congestion management methods in regional power markets

  27. 区域电力市场监测与电力稽查的研究

    Research on Regional Power Market Monitoring and Electricity Check

  28. 我国区域电力市场研究

    The Research of Regional Power Market in China

  29. 华东区域电力市场网损分摊研究

    Transmission Loss Allocation in East China Power Markets

  30. 区域电力市场中电网公司与调峰电厂的最优合同设计

    Optimal contract design between network corporation and regulating power station in region electricity market