
  • 网络regional industry transfer
  1. 论地方政府制度创新与区域产业转移

    System Reforms of Local Government and Regional Industry Transfer

  2. 区域产业转移和结构优化,可以理解为一个区域内部和外部国民经济不断发展和强化的过程。

    Regional industry transfer and structural improvement can be viewed as a process of increasing inner regional economic development as well as that of external national economic development .

  3. 其基本手段就是区域产业转移。

    One of the main approach in this strategy is regional industry migration .

  4. 江苏省区域产业转移问题研究

    Research in Problems with Regional Industry Transference of Jiangsu

  5. 泛珠区域产业转移的结构效应与环境效应分析

    The Analysis on Structural Effect and Environmental Effect of Industries Transfer in the Pan-PRD

  6. 区域产业转移,是当前国内的一个重要经济现象,也是一个为许多学科领域的专家学者们所共同关注的热门话题。

    Regional industrial transfer , which is an important economic phenomenon in China , isa hot topic .

  7. 区域产业转移在当前中国经济背景下具有深远的现实意义和重大的研究价值。

    Regional industrial transfer in the context of the current Chinese economy has profound practical significance and great research value .

  8. 论文力图在以下方面实现创新:(1)构建区域产业转移的基本理论分析框架。

    The paper tried to innovate in the following aspects : ( 1 ) Build a basic analytical framework for regional industrial relocation .

  9. 从劳动力流动到区域产业转移&江苏双二元经济结构的演变机制分析

    From Labor Flow to Regional Industrial Transfer : An Empirical Analysis on the Evolving Mechanism of Double Dual Economic Structures in Jiangsu Province

  10. 区域产业转移伴随着经济发展机会的扩散,对于促进区域经济协调发展具有重要意义。

    As the economy development opportunity proliferates , the regional industry transference becomes significantly influential in promoting the harmonious development of regional economy .

  11. 分析表明,从产业转移的影响因素看,市场机制是从根本和长远发展层面决定区域产业转移的核心动力。

    The analysis shows that the market mechanisms are the core power of deciding regional industrial transfer from the fundamental and long-term development dimension .

  12. 而产业地区转移在现实经济发展中却有着很重要的作用,正是基于此作者从影响区域产业转移的根本经济要素差异入手,分析区域产业转移的本质动因。

    From the basic factors affecting the regional industrial transfer , the authors analyzed the essential motivity and pointed out that relative superiority difference between the regions is the basic impetus of regional industrial transfer .

  13. 而且,区域产业转移会因不同区域间的自然地理、能源资源、生产要素与区域人口、生态环境、经济发展基础以及文化制度等比较优势因素而呈现不同状态。

    Otherwise , regional industry transfer will exhibit different positions because of the natural geographical , energy resources , production factors and regional population , ecological environment , the foundation of economic development and the cultural systems , and many other comparative advantage factors .

  14. 区域产业转移是由于产品需求条件或要素供给等的动态变化而引致相关产业从一个区域转移到另一个区域的经济行为和动态过程,它包含区域间投资和贸易活动的综合。

    Regional industrial transformation is an economical behavior and a dynamic process leading the related industries transferred from one area to another based on the conditions of demand for products or the dynamic changes of the elements of supply , it contains a comprehensive inter-regional investment and trade activities .

  15. 主要对本文的研究背景、目的、意义、研究思路、方法、主要内容、基本观点、研究的不足作简要概括,并对区域产业转移、区域产业升级、承接产业转移促进产业升级进行综述。

    Make a brief summary on the background , purpose , significance , methods , main contents and basic idea of the research . Overview the research status on regional industry transfer , regional industrial upgrading , undertaking the industrial transfer to promoting industrial upgrading , at home and abroad .

  16. 根据区域产业梯度转移规律,泛珠三角各省区具备了产业梯度转移的各项条件。

    According to the law of regional industrial gradient transfer , this area has the good conditions for industrial gradient transfer .

  17. 在这样的大背景下,越来越多的东部企业尝试向中西部地区转移,区域间产业转移活动日趋活跃。

    In this context , the number of eastern enterprises which have transferred to the central and western regions is growing bigger .

  18. 在此基础上,从制度环境这一外部影响因素层面,提出了欠发达区域以产业转移为手段推进区域经济现代化的制度环境策略。

    Then , a corresponding strategy is put forward from the microcosmic degree to realize the regional economy modernization by industrial transfer in lsee-developed regions .

  19. 与此同时,国内区域间产业转移也方兴未艾,东部与西部地区间产业转移规模越来越大、层次越来越高。

    Industrial migration cross-district within country has become more and more actively at the same time , the scale of industrial transferring has become more and more lager between eastern and western region .

  20. 同时,国内区域间产业转移需要产业和产业链不同环节转移相结合,在转移过程中政府要加强合作,让市场发挥更重要作用。

    At the same time , he industry transition needs the cooperation between the industry and industry chain , and the government needs to cooperate and let the market have more important roles .

  21. 通过模型定量分析,总结出国际产业转移与国内区域间产业转移的互竞争合作机制。(3)构建了区域产业转移的综合协同效应模型。

    The mutual competition cooperation mechanism between the international industrial relocation and domestic inter-regional industry relocation can be summed up by analyzed with these models quantitatively . ( 3 ) Construction of the regional industry relocation comprehensive cooperative effect model .

  22. 现有理论研究表明,从区域承接产业转移的规模看,可用区域引进外部投资的数额来表征,其变化可用相对区域产出份额变化来刻画。

    The existing theoretical studies have shown that from the scale regional relocating industries , which can be characterized by the regional introduction of external investment amount , the changes can be characterized by the relative share of regional output changes .

  23. 目前,金融租赁已经在飞机与船舶运输业、中小企业融资、境内外跨区域产业资本转移等方面的运用已经初见成效,其特有的产业金融功能优势也得到更深刻的发挥。

    At present , the application financial lease on the plane and shipping transportation ^ small and medium-sized enterprise financing 、 the territory of industrial capital transfer across the region has produced results , Its unique industry financial function advantage get more deeply understanding .

  24. 本文认为目前江苏省区域间产业转移存在的突出问题表现在:一方面产业转移双方推动力和承接力不强;另一方面政府和市场角色错位。

    The writer argues that typical problems with the industry transference among regions in Jiangsu are : on one hand , the two sides are weak in propelling and receiving industry ; on the other hand , government and the market play roles reversedly .

  25. 区域之间产业梯度转移规律是如何发生作用的。值兴技术群不是固定不变的,它有自己的形成与转移规律。

    This kind of technology is variable and which has its own process of formation and transfer .

  26. 区域内的产业转移相对区域间的产业转移有其自身的特殊性。

    Transfer of industry within the region relative to inter-regional transfer of industry has its own particularity .

  27. 本文建立一个模型研究了泛珠三角区域中的产业转移方式问题。

    In this paper , we establish a model researching on industry-transferring in the broader delta area of Zhujiang river .

  28. 要素非均衡集聚视角下的梯度推移粘性研究区域之间产业梯度转移规律是如何发生作用的。

    A research on the Stickiness of Regional Grades Process Based on the Unbalanced Cohesion ; And , how does the law of industrial grads transfer act ?

  29. 二是区域内的产业转移是区域一体化的直接表现,是区域内各主体优化资源配置的主要途径。

    Second , the transfer of industries within the region is a direct manifestation of regional integration is the main region the main way to optimize resource allocation .

  30. 现如今,全球经济正在发生着深刻的变革,产业转移的速度和规模正在快速的提升,区域之间对产业转移的争夺日趋激烈,并且企业转移逐渐呈现明显的抱团趋势。

    Nowadays , world economy is experiencing great changes , the speed and scale of industrial transfer are accelerating , the competition among regions for industrial transfer is increasingly fierce , and the trend for enterprises to transfer in group is increasingly clear .