
  • 网络Regionalized management;Zone Management
  1. 农业区域化管理初探GIS在农业气候区划中的应用

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning

  2. 通过与其它算法的比较可知,提出的区域化管理算法极大的延长了Flash的平均使用寿命和提高了擦除块的清除效率,能较好的应用于大容量Flash存储器。

    Through comparison with other algorithms , we can know that the proposed zoning management algorithm greatly prolongs service life of Flash devices and improves efficiency of blocks erasing operation . The algorithm can be well applied in high capacity Flash storage .

  3. 区域化管理模式在病房五常法管理中的应用

    The application of regionalization management mode in the five routine ward management

  4. 农业区域化管理初探县级旅游区划研究

    Study on the Management of Agricultural Regionalization Tourism Regionalization in county Level

  5. 武汉城市圈生活垃圾区域化管理模式研究

    Regional Management Model of Domestic Waste in Wuhan City Circle

  6. 区域化管理成为国际动物疫病管理的发展趋势。

    Regionalization is a development trend of international management of animal epidemic disease .

  7. 基于区域化管理的血液管理信息系统开发与应用

    The Development and Application of Blood MIS Based on the Regional Management Style

  8. 我国农产品质量安全区域化管理法制建设研究

    Study of Legal System on Regionalization Management of China 's Agricultural Products Quality and Safety

  9. 打破关区人为分割,实现区域化管理模式;

    To break the artificial separation of customs areas , and realize the regional management model ;

  10. 供热系统的区域化管理

    Zone-oriented management of heating system

  11. 本文还就农业区域化管理中农业发展的二元制衡、制度创新和技术创新作了分析。

    The paper also analyses the dual track balance , the institutional innovation and the technological innovation in agricultural development .

  12. 同时,在区域化管理体系的试点应用过程中,为提高监管手段、监管有效性和监管效率,我们开发了出口蔬菜监督管理系统。

    In the pilot of the Circumscription management system , we have developed the vegetable export supervision management system in order to improve the effectiveness , efficiency and methods of supervision .

  13. 然后,从理论模型和实施模型两个方面构建了我国大型承包商区域化管理模式,详细介绍了该模式的三个支撑点&组织体系建设、资源配置方法、信息支撑系统建设。

    And then , established regional management system of large-scale contractors and showed details of the three support points of the system & organizational system , resource allocation model , information system implementation .

  14. 在这种形势下,突出政府的主导作用,建立和实施初级农产品安全区域化管理体系,依靠法律法规和行政监管的力量加强初级农产品安全区域化管理已成为历史发展的一种必然趋势。

    Hence , highlighting the leading role of government , establishing and implementing the primary agricultural safety regionalization management system , and relying on the laws and administrative supervision to strengthen the safety of primary agricultural regionalization management have become an inevitable trend in the historical development .

  15. 基于GIS的区域规模化管理评价方法

    GIS Based Study on Evaluation of Regional Scaled Management

  16. 麦田土壤区域化养分管理研究

    Research of Regionalized Nutrient Management on Wheat Production Soil

  17. 区域规模化管理程度的评价可以有效发现区域规模化管理的内部空间差异,对区域整体发展策略有一定的辅助决策意义。

    Evaluation of regional scaled management for certain regions can help the regional decision maker with more efficient and appropriate planning for regional social and economic development .

  18. 因此,区域化养分管理或养分分区管理系统更适合中国农村实际状况,值得在县、乡、村级水平上进一步发展。在此基础上研发相应的区域化专用配方肥,实现技术的物化更有必要。

    Hence , a regionalized nutrient management ( or nutrient zone management ) system is more suitable for the rural Chinese situation and should be developed at the county , town or village levels .

  19. 无论是市场化专业管理、行政化专业管理、全域化专业管理、区域专业化管理,还是精细专业化管理、综合专业化管理等,都各有所长。

    The market specialized management , the administrative management , the macrocosm management , the district management , the refined specialized management , the integrated management and so on , each has its strong point .

  20. 论文首次将网络分析和市场分析相结合,通过区域化的管理理念将基站小区和区域化管理及市场竞争联系在一起,实现了数据的综合分析。

    The first time network analysis and market analysis combined , Regionalization of the management philosophy through the base station area and regional management and competition in the market together , to achieve a comprehensive analysis of the data .

  21. 区域规模化管理指在一定区域内通过生产要素的集聚,形成适度规模,达到有效利用资源,提高经济社会效益,减少环境污染,增强核心竞争能力的方式、方法和过程。

    Regional scaled management is a process in which regional production elements accumulate spatially to use interior and outside resources effectively , and it is also a method and a pattern through which regional society and economy get better and better with the environment .

  22. 探讨了基于系统聚类分析对大田小麦进行区域化土壤养分管理的方法。

    The method of regional soil nutrient management was studied based on systematic cluster analysis .

  23. 探讨了大田小麦区域化土壤养分管理的方法。

    A study was conducted on the method of regionalized soil nutrient administration in the wheat field .

  24. 研究推行成品油区域化配送的管理体制、经营机制和配送模式。

    Studied management system of localizing rational distribution , with attention to mechanism and improving its modes .

  25. 差异性区域网格化环境管理是在环境状况存在明显分异区域进行环境管理的有效的方式。

    The otherness grid environmental management is a mode of valid environmental management in the filed of environmental management for those area with obvious environmental status differences .

  26. 中型城市开展远程医学区域网络化建设与管理的思考

    Regional Network of Telemedicine E City

  27. 国外水资源保护区域化和流域化管理发展趋势&探讨我国水资源保护管理体制建设

    Tendency to develope district and basin management of water resources abroad & To discuss contruction of management system of water resources Protection in China