
  1. 在我国由条条管理的经济管理模式逐渐向块块管理的经济管理模式转变的过程中,地方政府以及地方政府之间的合作成为推动区域经济一体化进程的关键力量。

    In the process of economic management model changing from all rules to blocks , the local governments and the cooperation between local governments have acted as the key role in promoting economic integration .

  2. 改革以来,我国经济运行已由“条条”控制为主转变为“块块”管理为主。

    Since reform , the administration of economic activities in China has been changed from " vertical " control to " regional " administering .

  3. 中央政府多次实行权力下放,但都只限于调整中央和地方、条条和块块的管理权限

    The central government trice to delegate power to lower levels on a number of occasions . But this was limited solely to readjusting the administrative power of the central and local authorities and of the different departments and regions