
  • 网络Value-Added Chain;value added chain
  1. 以财务管理为核心的ERP的实施,还有利于企业价值增值链的形成。

    The implementation of ERP based on finance management is also benefit to form the company value-added chain .

  2. 客户关系管理(CRM)系统能够为企业带来运营效果的大幅提升和市场增值链的全面优化,通过各种渠道拓展市场空间,并在保留老客户的同时,吸引新客户。

    Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) system is capable of bringing significantly improvement to enterprises on operating results and comprehensive optimization of value-added chain . Through various channels , it can expand market space , retain old customers and attract new customers .

  3. 最大可行流问题中增值链的一种回溯求解算法

    The Retrospective Algorithm about Searching Augmenting Path of Maximum Feasible Flow Problem

  4. 中国正向增值链上方移动。

    China is moving up the value-added chain .

  5. 本文运用客户需求模型设计的理念,对目前的汽车服务流程进行了再造,形成了新的汽车服务价值增值链模式。

    Using customer requirement model design to regenerate automobile service process and build up new automobile service value-added chain model .

  6. 由此得出,为了实现供应链为增值链,减少开销,双方共同获利,协同决策是非常重要的。

    Thus , in order to supply chain value added and short cost , coordinated decision for joint profit is very important .

  7. 较之传统绩效评价,供应链评价注重组织的未来发展和前馈性,注意力更多地放在对外部增值链的测控。

    Compared with traditional performance measurement , supply chain performance measurement focuses on the future development of the organization and emphasizes on the prior feedback .

  8. 供应链作为一条纽带将核心企业与供应链上下游企业紧紧地联系在一起,同时每个企业都发挥各自的优势,从而达到增值链上共赢的效果。

    Supply chain as a ligament links all the enterprises on the chain strongly together , and exert their strength to have a result of " win-win " .

  9. 中国的庞大规模意味着,为了保持较高的增速,中国经济需要迅速向价值增值链的上游移动,获得更多出口市场份额。

    China 's huge size means that to maintain stellar growth rates , the economy needs to move up the value-added chain fast and grab more export market share .

  10. 物流金融是基于物流增值链中的供应商、终端用户、金融机构和物流企业等各方的共同需要所产生和发展的。

    The logistics finance is the common demand of every part in the chains , such as supplier , end user , financial institution and the logistics business enterprise , etc.

  11. 供应链不仅是一条联接供应商到顾客的物料链,而且是一条增值链,物料在供应链上因加工、包装、运输等过程而增加其价值。

    Supply chain is not only a simple chain that join the supplier to customer , but also a value-added chain that the materiel can add its value from the stage of processing , packaging , and transporting .

  12. 较之传统绩效评价,第三方物流企业对绩效管理要求更加注重组织的未来发展,重点更多地放在对外部增值链的测控,更关注企业的长期发展和短期利润的有效组合。

    Compared to the traditional performance evaluation , the performance management adopted in third-party logistics enterprises focus more on future development of organizations , observation and control of outer increment chain , and effective combination of enterprises ' long development and short profit .

  13. 本文对价值链管理进行了探索,认为价值链会计的核心是增值链,然后在此基础上,提出了价值链会计的计量和主要内容。

    This paper explores the value chain management and points out that the core of the value chain accounting is the value-added chain , then , based on this theory , the paper brings forward the computation and content of the value chain accounting .

  14. LSSC以契约为主的形式整合链上物流资源,是一条能力供给链和增值服务链。

    LSSC is a capability chain and a value-added service chain , which integrates logistics resources mainly through supply contracts .

  15. 服务提供商以ICT服务作为发展的重点方向,希望能借助ICT服务为客户打造增值价值链,对于电信运营商也可以实现从传统语音通信运营商向综合信息服务提供商的平稳转型。

    In order to build ICT service value chain for customers , service providers consider ICT services as the development direction . Meanwhile operators take advantage of ICT service to transform from voice communication providers to comprehensive information service providers .

  16. 形成增值产业链的良性循环模式;

    Circulatory model to form value-added industrial chain .

  17. 本文提出了湖南省煤业集团公司的产业定位:以煤炭资源开采为基础,打造煤-电-化一体化增值产业链,发展高附加值产品。

    This thesis brings forward to the industry orientation for the Hunan coal group & that is with the coal resources mine as foundation , building a increment chain of coal - electricity - chemical integration , and developing products with high annex value .

  18. 紧接着对3G和移动互联网环境分析,从而得出移动互联网产业链格局更加开放,以运营商为核心的增值业务价值链向以用户为中心转移两个方面的变化。

    Then on 3G and mobile Internet environment analysis , to arrive at the mobile Internet industry chain structure is more open to operators as the core value chain of value-added services to the user as the focus shifted to the changes in two aspects .

  19. 基于双层规划模型的电信移动增值业务供应链协调研究

    Research on Value Added Business Supply Chain Coordination Using Bi-Level Programming Model

  20. 我国移动增值业务产业链价值分配模式研究

    The Research of Distribution Mode of Mobile Value-Added Services Industry Chain in Our Country

  21. 第五章是基于增值业务供应链的委托代理模型。

    Chapter V is based on the value-added service supply chain industry principal-agent model .

  22. 在电信增值业务产业链中,增值业务提供企业在上游,网络运营企业在下游。

    In the telecom value-added industry chain , SP / CP lies in the upriver , and the basic network providers lie in the downriver .

  23. 通过对电信移动增值业务供应链的特点进行分析,构建电信移动增值业务供应链抽象模型,在此基础上,对建立电信移动增值业务供应链协调的双层规划模型进行可行性分析。

    The paper analyzes the characteristics of telecommunications business supply chains , make a business supply chain abstract model and make the feasibility analysis to the mobile value-added telecommunications business bi-level programming model . 4 .

  24. 本论文主要包括以下四方面的工作:1、在前人研究的基础上对供应链管理、供应链协调、供应链契约等进行综述,为研究电信移动增值业务供应链提供理论基础。

    This paper mainly includes the following four aspects : 1 . On the previous study basis , a review was conducted about the supply chain management , supply chain coordination , supply chain . 2 .

  25. 第三章是增值业务供应链发展概述。简要介绍了增值业务的含义与现状,探讨了增值业务供应链的概况。

    Chapter III is a value-added service supply chain development of this industry , and briefly introduces the meaning of value-added services and its current situation , then discusses the current situation and its structure of value-added service supply chain .

  26. 从模型结论入手,结合西方国家解决企业委托代理问题的常用方法,探讨了运营商如何解决增值业务供应链上的委托代理问题,并对运营商如何构建理想的供应链提出了对策建议。

    From the usually-used methods to resolve principal-agent issues , together with model conclusions , we conclude how to solve the value-added service supply chain industry principal-agent problem , and put forward Countermeasures and suggestions on how to build an ideal carrier supply chain on the industry .

  27. 这个周期中相互衔接、相互依存的价值阶段由一系列创造价值的活动组成,这些活动构成项目不断增值的工程价值链。

    These stages and activities form the project value chain in which the value is Continuously developed .

  28. 在供应链中,第三方物流以其专业化和全方位的客户增值服务承担供应链中的物流设计、配送、仓储、运输。

    In supply chain , the third party logistics ( 3PL ) takes charge of the logistics design , delivery , storage and transportation with its professional and complete value-added services .

  29. 但是,随着竞争的加剧,中国租赁贸易企业要降低成本,提高竞争力,形成的价值增值,实施供应链管理就是一个有效的途径。

    However , with the competition grew , implementation supply chain management is an effective approach to make Chinese leasing trade enterprises to reduce the cost , improve competitiveness , realize value added .

  30. 知识链是基于知识流在管理主体间的转移与扩散而实现知识的集成与创新,具有价值增值功能的网链结构模式。

    Knowledge chain is the realization of knowledge integration and innovation based on the transfer and diffusion of knowledge flow among management entities . It is a networked chain structure pattern having value increment function .