
  • 网络Gain Ratio;hFE
  1. 结论:综合靶区剂量分布和正常组织器官保护的两方面,混合调强计划体现了剂量学优势,与常规放疗、三维适形放疗和调强放疗相比,理论上能够得到最大的治疗增益比。

    Conclusion : Compared with 3D-CRT and IMRT , Hybrid IMRT showed the great advantages such as dose distribution , and it can obtain the largest gain ratio in theory .

  2. 放射治疗的根本目的是提高肿瘤治疗的治疗增益比,即最大限度的提高肿瘤的局部控制率和降低周围正常组织的放射并发症概率。

    The fundamental aim of radiotherapy is to improve local tumor therapeutic gain ratio , that is , a higher tumor control probability without causing unwanted radiation damage to normal-tissues ( i.e. a low normal-tissue complication probability ) .

  3. 带耦合电感的高增益比Boost变换器的分析

    Analysis of High - gain Boost Converter With Coupled Inductors

  4. 仿真结果表明,该滤波器的幅频特性增益比采用其它方法描述SETⅠ&Ⅴ特性所构成的滤波器的幅频特性增益高出1倍多。

    The simulation results show that the gain of the filter frequency characteristics is one time bigger than the gain of the other method describing SET ⅰ - ⅴ characteristics .

  5. 目的:调强适形放射治疗(IntensityModulatedRadiationTherapy,IMRT)技术是一种精确的放疗技术,它能够提高放射治疗增益比。

    Objective : Intensity modulated radiotherapy ( IMRT ) is a mode of precision radiation therapy which offers the prospect of improved locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) .

  6. 结论PET/CT图像融合能提高骨转移瘤GTV勾画的精确性和重复性,从而减少对周围正常组织损伤而增加放射治疗的增益比。

    Conclusion PET / CT is useful for improving the accuracy of GTV delineation for the protection of the normal tissues during radiotherapy .

  7. 提高肿瘤放射治疗增益比一直以来都是放射治疗技术水平发展的首要任务和最终目标。

    To increase the radiotherapy gain of the cancer is the main task and goal in the development of radiotherapy technology .

  8. 遗传增益比对照(荷兰3930)分别提高34.07%、23.58%、85.21%。

    Genetic gains increased 34.07 % , 23.58 % and 85.21 % compared with the check ( Holland 3930 ), respectively .

  9. 三维适形放射治疗和调强放射治疗是现代精确放射治疗的重要内容,是提高放射治疗增益比的有效措施。

    3D conformal radiotherapy ( 3DCRT ) and intensity modulated radiotherapy ( IMRT ) are important portion of modern precision radiotherapy , they are effective measures to improve radiotherapeutic gain .

  10. 尽管天线旁瓣增益比主瓣增益低得多,但是当干扰很强时,从天线旁瓣进入的有源干扰功率可能远远大于从主瓣进入的目标信号的功率。

    But the power of active interference signal come from sidelobe will be far greater than the power of target signal come from main lobe when the interference is strong .

  11. 随着纤维掺量的增加,断裂能和断裂能增益比都有不同程度的提高,临界裂缝张开位移有减小的趋势,临界裂缝嘴张开位移增益比变化没有明显的规律性;

    With the increase dosage of polypropylene , GF and the increment ratio of GF increase respectively , but CMODC decreased , and the varying of increment ratio of CMODChas no disciplinarian .

  12. 有效腔长使实际增益峰值比F-P腔简化模型的预测值要小,但对半值全宽带宽的影响相对较弱。

    The actual gain peak value is much smaller than the simplified mode of F-P cavity , but the effect is light to the full width at half maximum with the mode of efficient cavity length .

  13. Cu:Mn:KLN晶体的指数增益系数比KLN晶体要提高约2倍,其响应速度比KLN晶体快一个数量级。

    Comparing the Cu : Mn : KLN crystal with the KLN crystal , the exponential gain coefficient of the former is double that of the latter and the response speed is also one order of magnitude faster .

  14. 仿真结果表明,超增益处理比常规处理的阵增益高8.2dB左右,且具有良好的语音增强效果。

    Simulation results show that the array gain of super gain processing is 8.2 dB higher than conventional beamforming .

  15. 反常色散区远离零点的频谱区的增益谱比正常色散区的增益谱更靠近零点,且两个频谱区的范围有准分离的对称关系。

    Gain spectrum of the region far away from zero of abnormal dispersion regime is near zero than that of normal dispersion regime , and the widths of two spectrum regions have quasi-discrete symmetric relation .

  16. 用FEKO软件对其辐射特性进行仿真,得到天线的方向图、增益和轴比等辐射特性。

    Its radiation properties including radiation patterns , power gain and axial ratio are simulated using the software FEKO .

  17. 天线增益噪声温度比

    Ratio of gain to noise temperature of an antenna

  18. 其中,读写器天线的研究和设计重点关注阻抗、增益、轴比三个参数,标签天线的研究与设计重点关注阻抗、增益、辐射对称性两个参数。

    In reader antenna design , impedance characteristics , antenna gain and axial ratio are three key parameters .

  19. 基于矩量法分析,本文提出了计算矩形腔十字裂缝天线的数值方法,给出了天线单元的输入阻抗、增益和轴比等辐射特性的数值结果,进行了实验验证。

    Based on the moment method , a numerical method for calculation of the rectangular cavity crossed-slot antenna is presented . The theoretical results of the radiation characteristics such as input impedance , gain and axial ratio of circular polarization are given , which are validated by experimentation .

  20. 最后,通过MATLAB仿真演示了信号增益和信噪比增益与输入噪声强度的关系。

    It demonstrated the relation of the signal gain and the signal-noise-ratio gain and the input noise intensity through the MATLAB simulation .

  21. 基因芯片扫描中PMT信号增益与信噪比

    PMT signal plus and signal / noise in the microarray scanning

  22. 该通信系统还受背景光、雪崩光电二极管(APD)增益和调制消光比等因素的影响。

    The results also show that the performance of this communication system can be affected by background optical , APD gain and modulation extinction ratio .

  23. EBCCD的增益及信噪比研究

    Research of gain and SNR of EBCCD

  24. 折叠共源共栅放大器的增益、共模抑制比等。

    And gain , common mode rejection ration in folded cascade amplifier .

  25. 反馈环路存在着最佳增益使信噪比达到最大。

    There is an optimal loop gain to maximize the signal to noise ratio .

  26. 运算放大器电源电压抑制比、开环电压增益和共模抑制比的关系

    On the Relation Between Power Source Rejection Ratio , Open Loop Voltage Gain and Common Mode Rejection Ratio of an Operational Amplifier

  27. 误差放大器的核心部分采用电流镜、折叠式共源共栅等结构,显著提高了增益、电源抑制比和共模抑制比;

    By using the structures such as current mirror , folded-cascode and so on , The gain , PSRR and CMRR are improved remarkably ;

  28. 在光学方面,由于器件之间存在的差异,导致延时线单元三路分支的输出信号增益、信噪比等略有不同。

    In optics , the gain and signal-noise-ratio of output signal from each branch of one FDL unit are different , because of diversity between components .

  29. 展示了输出幅度增益和信噪比的传统随机共振、广义随机共振、真实随机共振和参数诱导随机共振现象。

    The conventional SR , the SR in a broad sense , the bona fide SR and PSR of SNR or output amplitude gain ( OAG ) are shown . 5 .

  30. 在一定条件下,由于系统、信号和噪声的协同作用而产生随机共振现象,并通过某一噪声强度下的信号增益及信噪比增益表现出来。

    Stochastic resonance occurs in a certain case due to the co-operation of the system , signal and noise ; and it is demonstrated by the signal gain and the signal-to-noise ratio gain in a certain noise .