
zēnɡ féi
  • Fattening up;increase weight
  1. 在种植前给土壤增肥很重要。

    It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting .

  2. 暴食增肥西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)2011年的一项研究表明,晚上八点后进食可能会加大肥胖风险。

    The Binge Bulge Eating after 8 p.m. may increase the risk of obesity , according to a 2011 study at Northwestern University .

  3. 为了创造最胖女人的纪录,Eman将不惜自己的健康去增肥。

    Eman has also decided that her health is meaningless , because she now wants to achieve the status of the fattest woman ever .

  4. 研究了SC27微生物土壤增肥剂对柑桔产量、果实品质及树体营养结构的影响。

    The effects of SC27 microbial soil fertility intensifier on yield and quality of orange were studied .

  5. 奇怪的是,这种动物到了秋天便会增肥,能长到约8kg重,而春天仅3kg。

    Bizarrely , the animals are heavier in the autumn , when they can weigh up to 8kg , in comparison to 3kg in the spring months .

  6. 听我同桌说打篮球能够增肥。

    Listen to the table that I can play basketball fertility .

  7. 其实所有的酒都有热量,都会导致增肥。

    All alcohol is caloric and can lead to weight gain .

  8. 其实啊,我认为她需要增肥。

    Actually , I think she needs to gain weight .

  9. 那可是增肥的好方法。

    That 's a great way to get fat !

  10. 经常减肥和增肥会造成皮肤褶皱和下垂。

    Losing and gaining too often may cause skin to wrinkle and sag .

  11. 以上发现证明睡眠不足和增肥间的确存在联系。

    This link between lack of sleep and increased weight gain makes sense .

  12. 没有任何一种酒会比啤酒更容易增肥。

    There isn 't anything more fattening about beer than any other alcohol .

  13. 我喜欢把胰岛素称为脂肪细胞的首要增肥剂。

    I like to think of insulin as the ultimate fat cell fertilizer .

  14. 所以我决定以运动去增肥。

    So I decided to campaign to fertility .

  15. 自从我上次见到你之后,你如何在几天内增肥的?

    How have you gained weight in the few days since I 've seen you ?

  16. 她为此增肥了八公斤,因为作为19世纪的公主,丰满更有说服力。

    She gained eight kilograms in order to be more convincing as a19th century princess .

  17. 我们还给她吃糖果棒让她增肥了

    And we gave her these candy bar things that would make her gain weight ,

  18. 可悲的真相是,有研究表明,摄入人工增甜剂也会增肥。

    Unfortunately , current research indicates a possible link between artificialsweetener consumption and weight gain .

  19. 快速减肥的人也会经常快速增肥。

    Often , those who quickly lose a lot of weight rebound to a higher weight .

  20. 户外烧烤准备什么吃更多的食物和调味品,是不容易增肥啊?

    Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less likely to fatten up ah ?

  21. 所有我喜欢做的事,不是违法的,便是不道德的,要不就是替自己增肥。

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal , immoral , or fattening .

  22. 没啥好惊讶的我只知道做增肥的食物没顾上锻炼了

    Not surprising , since I 've been way too busy cooking fattening food to bother exercising .

  23. 女孩吃吧吃吧不是罪,再胖的人也有权利去增肥。

    And the girl to eat and eat not sin , fat person also has the right to add fertilizer .

  24. 但是如果你开始和朋友一起增肥,那么你们俩就很可能在短时间内变成大胖子两枚。

    And if you start gaining weight with friends , you are all more likely to end up hilariously overweight sooner .

  25. 路易丝·麦克尔希尼故意让自己暴增肥,以逼迫自己的“控制狂”前男友跟她分手。

    Louise McElhinney purposefully piled on weight to try and force her ' controlling ' former partner to break-up with her .

  26. 复肥生产埋床式管状反应器的结构及设计&节能、减碳、降成本、增肥效之实绩

    Structure of buried-bed tubular reactor for production of compound fertilizer and its design & Practice of energy-saving , carbon-reducing , cost-decreasing and effect-increasing

  27. 这种超级增肥的食物已经推出就引起了营养学家的恐慌,在这个国家里,三分之二的人口都超重或肥胖。

    Nutritionists were horrified by the launch of the super fatty dish in a country where two-thirds of the population is overweight or obese .

  28. 另一个潜在的可能性是当他们开始增肥的时候,你对合理身形的概念也随之发生了改变。

    Another more subtle possibility is that they start gaining weight , and it changes your ideas of what an acceptable body size is .

  29. 你的社会关系让你增肥了吗?你的朋友、家人在影响你吸烟吸得更多、喝酒喝得更多或者睡得更少?

    IS your social network making you fat ? Are your friends and family influencing you to smoke and drink more , or to sleep less ?

  30. 在传统观念里怀孕的妇女应该要多吃以满足自己和孩子的两份营养需求,但是最新研究显示在怀孕期间增肥太多会对孩子生长发育有不良影响。

    Pregnant women have traditionally reserved the right to eat for two but new research says gaining too much weight during pregnancy is dangerous to childrens development .