
yù mǐ táng jiāng
  • corn syrup
玉米糖浆[yù mǐ táng jiāng]
  1. “阅读标签,因为玉米糖浆不得不在标签上列出,”他说。

    " Read labels because high fructose corn syrup has to be listed on the label ," he says .

  2. 2010年,可口可乐要求HonestTea将有些产品标注的“不含高果糖玉米糖浆”的文字移除。

    In 2010 , coke asked honest tea to remove the text on some of its products that said there was no high fructose corn syrup inside .

  3. 我们选择,玉米糖浆。,that,Karo,light,corn,syrup。,你们也许会感兴趣,两勺是180卡路里。

    And we have chosen for Karo light It may interest you that two tablespoons is180 calories .

  4. 海关关长也用了不寻常的包装,可口可乐公司的C2,新“中卡路里的可口可乐”相结合的玉米糖浆与人造糖。

    CCE also has used unusual packaging for Coca-Cola C2 , the new " mid-calorie cola " that combines corn syrup with artificial sweetener .

  5. DE42的玉米糖浆替代30%变性淀粉微胶囊化海藻油,能提高其氧化稳定性;

    Oxidative stability of microencapsulated algal oil was improved by using corn syrup of DE42 in place of30 % of modified starch .

  6. 主要的甜味剂来源,包括蒙大拿,拥有大量的甜菜产业,爱荷华生产高果糖的玉米糖浆,这2个州是议员BAUCUS和GRASSLEY的故乡。

    Major sources of sweeteners include Montana , which has a large sugar beet industry , and Iowa , which produces high-fructose corn syrup & the home states of Senators Baucus and Grassley .

  7. “玉米糖浆增加尿酸水平,它已被显示增加高血压,”同为美国高血压学会主席Bakris说。

    " High fructose corn syrup increases uric acid levels , which has been shown to increase high blood pressure ," says Bakris , who is also the president of the American Society of Hypertension .

  8. 这仅仅是一个玉米糖浆,糖充分。

    It is just a corn syrup full of sugar .

  9. 瓶装的果汁里全是高果糖玉米糖浆。

    Bottled juices are full of high-fructose corn syrup .

  10. 玉米糖浆增添点些许的甜味。

    Corn syrup adds a dash of sweetness .

  11. 她认为,从健康的角度来看,蔗糖并不比玉米糖浆要好。

    From a health perspectivecane sugar is no better than corn syrup , Wootan said .

  12. 但是很多食品都含有转基因的大豆卵磷脂,玉米糖浆以及其他产物。

    But many foods contain genetically modified soy lecithin , corn syrup and other products .

  13. 啤酒玉米糖浆中氮源强化的研究进展

    Nitrogen enhanced research in beer corn syrup

  14. 听着,一个月前我在写关于玉米糖浆的故事

    Look , a month ago , I was writing a story about corn syrup .

  15. 玉米糖浆跟色素吗?

    Karo syrup and food coloring ?

  16. 像海绵的糖果,由凝胶、糖和玉米糖浆制成,然后撒上糖粉。

    Spongy confection made of gelatin and sugar and corn syrup and dusted with powdered sugar .

  17. 蔗糖和水煮在一起,有时也和玉米糖浆煮在一起;尤其在饮料中用作甜味剂。

    Sugar and water and sometimes corn syrup boiled together ; used as sweetening especially in drinks .

  18. (乙醇定量生产指令和高果糖玉米糖浆足以证明这一点。)

    ( Look no further than the ethanol mandate or high fructose corn syrup for evidence . )

  19. 不是。它是玉米糖浆和食用染料。它非常的粘稠和甜腻。

    No , it was corn syrup and food dye , it was really sticky and sugary .

  20. 关键是要仔细阅读其成分,避免购买到混合有玉米糖浆或其他人工添加剂的麦片。

    The key is to carefully read the ingredients and avoid mixes with corn syrup or other artificial additives .

  21. 诸如原始人父母之类网站倡导不要给孩子吃玉米糖浆,实行亲密育儿法,把婴儿悬挂起来,还有让产妇吃胎盘等做法。

    Websites like The Primal Parent extol corn-syrup-free trick-or-treating , baby slings for attachment parenting and placenta-eating for new mothers .

  22. 软糖中加入糖、玉米糖浆以及其它水果口味原料。

    The gummy centre is made from sugar , corn syrup and other ingredients to give them their fruity taste .

  23. 对于节食者或避免高果糖玉米糖浆的人来说,这即将导致的不仅仅是一个简单的错误。

    For dieters or those avoiding high-fructose corn syrup , this is resulting in more than just a simple mistake .

  24. 防腐剂,果糖玉米糖浆等替代品和部分水合油对你的身体没有任何好处。

    Preservatives and substitutes like high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrated oil aren 't doing your body any good .

  25. 诸如“原始人父母”之类网站倡导不要给孩子吃玉米糖浆,实行“亲密育儿法”,把婴儿悬挂起来,还有让产妇吃胎盘等做法。

    Websites like The Primal Parent extol corn-syrup-free trick-or-treating , baby slings for " attachment parenting " and placenta-eating for new mothers .

  26. 果糖,玉米糖浆,果汁精,麦芽糖,蔗糖,糖蜜,葡萄糖都是糖。

    Fructose , corn syrup , fruit-juice concentrate , malt syrup , sucrose , molasses , dextrose , and glucose are all sugars .

  27. 与葡萄糖共存于果汁、蜂蜜、糖浆(尤其是玉米糖浆)及某些蔬菜。

    It occurs in fruits , honey , syrups ( especially corn syrup ), and certain vegetables , usually along with its isomer glucose .

  28. 玉米糖浆中添加了香料、色素和酸性成分,还可使用防腐剂来增强稳定性。

    The corn sugar ( or sugar syrup ) is supplemented with flavoring , coloring , and acidic ingredients and may be stabilized with a preservative .

  29. 这些番茄酱的问题出在有人假借“亨氏”之名,用普通糖代替了高果糖玉米糖浆。

    The ketchup in question was " Simply Heinz , " a premium version which uses sugar in its recipe instead of high fructose corn syrup .

  30. 比如,该公司既没有在加勒比海拥有糖种植园,或在中西部持有高果糖玉米糖浆的湿磨厂,也没有在东南部持有脱咖啡因的设施。

    The company did not own sugar plantations in the Caribbean , high-fructose corn syrup wet mills in the Midwest , or decaffeination facilities in the Southeast .