
  1. 看那柜台里的玉手镯,是不是漂亮极了?

    Look at that jade bracelet on the counter . Isn 't it gorgeous ?

  2. 她走动的时候,不断发出丁当丁当的声音,因为许多假玉手镯在她胳臂上面上上下下地抖动。

    When she moved about there was an incessant clicking as innumerable pottery bracelets jingled up and down upon her arms .

  3. 他们的资金帮助建立了一个行业,为中国中产阶级大量生产象征地位的玉佛像和粗粗的玉手镯。

    Their financing helped build an industry that churns out the Buddha figurines and thick bracelets that have become status symbols for China 's middle class .

  4. 丛类型主要有圆形广场内的一部分外节周围,和一个圆形孔,虽然形状玉手镯也显示了一些特征丛的。

    The main types of cong have a square outer section around a circular inner part , and a circular hole , though jades of a bracelet shape also display some of the characteristics of cong.