
  • 网络In Civilization;Man Ming Lane
  1. 沿文明里西行的车辆将禁止右转入?兰街。

    Vehicles on man Ming Lane westbound will be banned from making right turn onto Portland street .

  2. 一般人认为在欧洲的文明里已没有奴隶制度。

    It is said that slavery has disappeared from European civilization .

  3. 在最高层次的文明里,书仍是最高层次的乐趣。

    In the hightest civilization the book is still teh hightest delight .

  4. 一种久经世故和技术先进的城市文化明显地出现在印度河流域文明里。

    A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization .

  5. 在最高层次的文明里,书乃是最高层次的乐趣。&爱默森

    In the highest civilization the book is still the highest delight . - R. E. Emerson

  6. 在我们的文明里,有许多令人寒心的时刻,那就是刑法令人陷入绝境的时刻。

    There occur formidable hours in our civilization ; there are moments when the penal laws decree a shipwreck .

  7. 在其他文明里,结婚的夫妻在象征性的一起吃大米后会被人们把大米象雨点般撒到身上。

    In other cultures , the symbolic eating of rice together preceded a shower of rice over the married couple .

  8. 历史上,在某些原始部落的文明里,只能是婚姻中的夫妇两人在一起吃大米,因为一起吃这种当地食物暗示着他们将共同生活。

    Historically , in certain primitive tribal cultures , the mere act of supping on rice together bound a couple in matrimony , as eating this local food together implied their living together .

  9. 这样的行为在文明社会里是不能接受的。

    Such behavior is unacceptable in a civilized society .

  10. 恭维是一个文明社会里人际交往时必不可少的一种言语行为,是一种礼貌策略。

    Compliments are an indispensible tactic employed in interpersonal relationships ina civilized society .

  11. 在街上吐痰,这在文明社会里不得体的行为。

    Spitting on the street is just not the done thing in polite society .

  12. 在所有文明国家里,英国是最会精打细算的而最不会沉思的。

    England , the most calculative is the least meditative , of all civilized countries .

  13. 总而言之,唐小姐是摩登文明社会里那桩罕物&一个真正的女孩子。

    In short , she was one of those rarities of modern civilized society-a genuine girl .

  14. 现在你已经不再是生活在荒野里了.在文明国度里,你要用…正确的头衔来称呼上等人.

    You 're not living in the wilderness anymore . In civilized lands , you refer to your betters by their proper titles .

  15. 拿动物去殉葬,在这个现代文明社会里,岂非咄咄怪事。一个文明的国家竟敢乱杀无辜。

    Object to holding animals in the modern civilized society , not the aggressiveness Strange things . A civilized country dare to kill innocent people indiscriminately .

  16. 在欧盟及中等文明国家里,共同的趋势是削减补贴而不是取消补贴,还增设新的支出科目以鼓励农民根据环保要求善待土地,或是予以休耕。

    Rather than eliminate subsidies , and to introduce new payments to encourage farmers to treat their land in environmentally friendlier ways , or to leave it fallow .

  17. 公共图书馆是现代文明社会里不可缺少的社会文化机构,遍布世界各个角落,成了衡量一个城市或地区文明程度的标志。

    The public library is the indispensable cultural organization in modern civilization , spreading all over the world and becoming the criterion to evaluate the civilization degree of a city or region .

  18. 然而在文明社会里,规章制度的约束力不是万能的,如两次世界大战就爆发在文明环境中。

    However , in a civilized society , the rules and regulations of the binding is not a panacea , because of the outbreak of two world wars in a civilized environment .

  19. 但是,现在我就在另,已经是在这个正以惊人的速度前进的文明国度里的第二年了。我可以真诚地说,对于在中国教书的决定,我从不曾后悔过。

    But here I am in China , in my second year of living in this amazingly progressive civilization , and I can honestly say that I have never once regretted my decision to teach in China .

  20. 从很多方面来说,自然状态,即使在文明社会里也显得奇怪,不论我们是否有理由相信我们有生活,生命和财产财产安全的保障。

    The state of nature fully continues , in many ways , oddly even in civil society , he says , whenever we have reason to believe that our lives or our properties or ourselves are not secure .

  21. 中国女性,在中国这样一个历史悠久的文明国度里,曾一直以他者、第二性、附属品的形式存在于这个男权至上的社会中。

    Chinese female , in such civilization with long history country of China , was always as the forms of " he ", " the second sex " and " accessories " existing in the controlled society by male power .

  22. 在其作品中,她力图展示来自非洲大陆的黑人文化的优良传统和风俗,表明黑人民族即使在白人占统治地位的美国物质文明社会里,也依然具有其不可改变的地位和力量。

    In her works , she tries to describe the fine tradition and customs of black culture , showing that the forces and status of the black nation still can not be changed even in the United States where the whites are in the dominant position .

  23. n.禁忌;禁止在文明的国度里,吃人肉是被禁止的。

    taboo Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries .

  24. 在文明的国度里,吃人肉是被禁止的。

    Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries .

  25. 生活在文明的环境里,人们会有一种幸福感。

    Life in civilized environment , the people will have one kind of happy heart .

  26. 我违背了你的命令,现在我离文明只有几里了。

    I disobeyed your orders , and now I 'm only a few miles from civilization .

  27. 在南非这样自认为是比较文明的国家里,警察的死亡人数的确让人惊讶。

    The police death toll in a country that sees itself as the most civilised in Africa is indeed shocking .

  28. 我们所追求的世界新秩序是自由国家之间的合作,是自由国家在一个友好、文明的世界里同心协力,共同努力。

    The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries , working together in a friendly , civilized society .

  29. 这就是英雄(人性)倒在残酷的文明驯化过程里的最重要的意义。

    The most important significance is that the hero 's humanity collapses in the process of this cruel ablution of the new civilization .

  30. 在这个走向高度文明的社会里,现代文化在消耗社会资本的同时也构建了新的社会资本。

    In such a modern society , which is moving towards the high civilization , modern culture is consuming gradually , meanwhile it also creates new social capital .