
  • 网络cultural criticism;Cultural Critique
  1. 乔治·E·马尔库斯等:《作为文化批评的人类学》。北京:三联书店,1998年。

    Marcus , Gorge E.Anthropology as Cultural Criticism . Beijing : SDX Joint Publishing Company , 1998 .

  2. F·R·詹姆逊是当代重要的马克思主义批评家和理论家,在西方马克思主义文化批评领域有广泛的影响。

    Frederic Jameson is an important contemporary Marxist critic and theorist , and he has wide implications in the western area of Marxist cultural criticism .

  3. 《批评的剖析》与文学的文化批评的建构

    Anatomy of Criticism and Construction of Cultural Criticism in Literature Culture

  4. 中国大众文化批评中的精英主义之维

    Analyzing the elitism tendency in the criticism on Chinese mass culture

  5. 从文学批评到文化批评:机遇还是厄运

    From Literary criticism to Cultural Criticism : Opportunity or Misfortune

  6. 20世纪中国科学教育的文化批评

    Cultural Critique on Chinese Science Education in the 20th Century

  7. 人伦之和的主调与变奏&近年中国都市家庭伦理电视剧的审美文化批评

    On the Recent Chinese TV Plays of the Family Ethic

  8. 用文化批评理论阐释《螺丝在拧紧》

    An Interpretation of the Turn of the Screw Through Cultural Criticism ;

  9. 论文化批评兴起的原因

    On the Causes of the Rising of Cultural Criticism

  10. 艺术世俗化的意义&论本雅明的大众文化批评

    The Signification of Arts Popular-Converting & On Benjamin 's Critics of Popular Culture

  11. 论詹姆逊文化批评理论中的历史意识

    The History Consciousness in Jameson 's Critique of Culture

  12. 神意象:一个文学的文化批评范畴的提出&中国古典文学“神”意象研究论纲之一

    Miraculous Images : A Culture of Literature Criticizes the Proposition of the Category

  13. 对话语境与真实等值论翻译与文化批评思维模式的重构从巴赫金的对话语境批评谈起

    The Relations between Translation and Culture Reconstruction of the Literary Critique Thinking Model

  14. 文化批评是一种西方话语。

    Cultural criticism is a kind of western discourse .

  15. 论西方文化批评理论的基本取向

    On the Basic Orientation of Western Cultural Criticism Theory

  16. 纪录片批评的第三个时期被命名为文化批评期。

    The last period was named after cultural criticism .

  17. 如何把当下的文化批评从批判的昏睡中唤醒是一个亟待解决的问题。

    It is an urgent task to awaken cultural criticism from its critical lethargy .

  18. 父系文化批评视野中的李清照论

    Comment on Li Qingzhao in paternal culture criticism

  19. 文学文化批评刍议

    A Tentative View of Criticism of Literary Culture

  20. 原型理论与后现代语境下文学的文化批评建设

    Archetypal Theory and the Development of Cultural Criticism of Literature in the Post-modern Context

  21. 美国主义与文化批评&魏玛德国文化批评运动浅析

    Americanism and German Cultural Criticism in WEIMAR Time

  22. 论外国文学研究中的整体文化批评体系建构

    Constructing the system of cultural criticism as an integral whole in foreign literature study

  23. 在《赫芬顿邮报》,新闻调查、文化批评和名人八卦同时存在。

    On huffpo , investigative news , cultural criticism and celebrity gossip all coexist .

  24. 在异域与本土之间&人类学视野中的文化批评

    Between the alien and the native & The cultural critic from the view of Anthropology

  25. 媒体奇观的典型文本&对超级女声的文化批评

    Representative Text of Media Wonder & A Cultural Criticism on " Super Female Voice "

  26. 关于当代文化批评话语的评析&兼论东方主义

    Comments on Discourse in Contemporary Cultural Criticism

  27. 《到灯塔去》的文化批评

    A Cultural Critique of to the Lighthouse

  28. 从文本批评到文化批评

    From Text Criticism to Culture Criticism

  29. 审美主义在大众文化批评中是颇具影响力的一种视角。

    Among all the criticisms of mass culture , aestheticism is undoubtedly an influential visual angle .

  30. 在文化批评日益兴起的背景下,詹姆逊从文学到文化的批评之路为众多纯文学研究者转向文化批评提供了一个直接的范例。

    Nowadays culture criticism is booming , Jameson 's turning set a example for many researchers .