
  1. 史蒂文斯的奢华风格,华丽的语言加之绝顶的文韵和改头换面的诗风。

    Stevens 's sumptuous , glittering language takes blank verse and reinvents it .

  2. 韵文韵字的分析对韵文韵系的研究有着重要价值。

    It is important to analyze the rhyming words for the study of the rhyming of the verse .

  3. 并简述《佩文韵府》的缺陷与不足,并对部分内容作了补正。

    And gives a brief introduction of " Pei Wen Yun Fu " disadvantage and shortages , meanwhile , making corrections for parts of content .

  4. 在他执政时期,出版发行了《明史》、《古今图书集成》、《全唐诗》、《全唐文》,以及《康熙字典》、《佩文韵府》和《四库全书》。

    During his reign the History of Ming Dynasty came off the press , along with , the illustrated encyclopedia Gujin Tushu Jicheng , the Collection of Tang Poetry and Tang Prose Writings , the character dictionary Kangxi Dictionary , the Rhyme Dictionary , and the collection Siku Quanshu ,

  5. 我国古代文论对韵的论说,为我们今天更好地把握韵的审美范畴提供了学术平台。

    The discussion on " yun " in ancient Chinese literary theory has provided for us a platform of aesthetic category today .