
  • 网络the science of cultural relics
  1. 对不同地区的秦汉阙遗存,做以历史学、艺术史学、建筑史学、考古学、文物学、美学的综合研究潜力巨大。

    The Qin Han Stone Que from different area is offering the great potential to establish researches on History , Art Histo-ry , Architecture History , Archaeology , Science of Cultural Relics and Aesthetics .

  2. 本文阐述了铜镜起源,并运用考古学及文物鉴定学的研究方法,对汉镜进行了分类。

    This article is about the origin of Bronze Mirror , and make use of the research methods of archeology and cultural relic 's appraisal to classify the Han Mirror .

  3. 本文就书院文物的定义界定及其理论依据和文物学背景、书院文物的内涵与功能及价值,在理论上作出了尝试性的探讨与研究。

    In this paper , the writer tries to make an inquiry into the connotation of classical learning academy and its function and value .