
  1. 目的辅助青铜器鉴定,提高鉴定的准确性和效率。

    Aim To improve the efficiency and accuracy of bronze identity .

  2. 计算机辅助青铜器鉴定专家系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Expert System for Computer Aided Bronze Identify

  3. 基于模糊推理的青铜器鉴定专家系统

    An expert system of bronze identity based on fuzzy reasoning

  4. 结论实验证明,该模糊推理方法可以极大地提高青铜器鉴定的准确性和效率。

    Conclusion Through test , the efficiency and accuracy of bronze identify is improved greatly .

  5. 并将该推理方法应用于文物鉴定领域,成功建立了青铜器鉴定专家系统。

    We apply the reasoning method to the area of cultural relic identify , and build an expert system of bronze identify successfully .

  6. 讨论了青铜器鉴定专家系统的不确定性推理方法,包括知识的不精确表示,推理规则的不精确表示,组合证据的不精确描述以及推理规则的更新。

    We discuss uncertainty reasoning method in Expert System of Bronze Identify , including knowledge representation uncertainty , rule uncertainty , multi-evidence uncertainty and updating of rule .