
  1. 激扬着青春的风采,我们向春天走来。

    With the graceful bearing of encouraging youth , we are approaching to spring .

  2. 青春的风采也仍在跟堕落与贫苦所招致的老丑作斗争。

    The grace of her age was still struggling against the hideous , premature decrepitude of debauchery and poverty .

  3. 她脸上像大理石一样僵硬的表情消失了,走路时的脚步也有些像往日那样蹦蹦跳跳了,她容光焕发,全身显现出青春的美丽风采。

    The marble hardness left her face , she moved with something of her old bounding step , and flushed in all her young beauty .