
  • 网络Red sky;Crimson sky
  1. 红色的天空是好天气的征兆,而乌云则是下雨的征兆。

    Red sky is a sign of good weather , but black clouds are a sign of rain .

  2. 火焰的舌尖舔卷着绯红色的天空。

    The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky .

  3. 夜晚桃红色的天空说明次日是晴天。

    The pink sky at night means a clear day will follow .

  4. 在赞比亚的卢安瓜山谷里,肩毛果蝠在夕阳染成绛红色的天空下飞舞。

    Photograph by Frans Lanting Epauletted fruit bats speckle a saffron-colored sky at sunset in Zambia 's Luangwa Valley .

  5. 对水手而言,夜晚红色的天空意味风平浪静的航行,而早晨深红色的天空则是即将有狂涛巨浪的警告。

    For seamen , red-colored skies at night indicate smooth sailing , but a crimson sky in the morning is a warning of rough waters ahead .

  6. 红色的太阳在天空中微笑着。

    Red flowers are the girls'red dresses .

  7. 整个西边的天空只能看见最明亮的星,一道暗红色的光横贯天空照向东北,那是淤血的颜色。

    Only the brightest stars were visible , all to the west . A dull red glow lit the sky to the northeast , the color of a blood bruise .

  8. 在我们等候时,我们看到一团红色的明亮火光射向天空。

    While we waited , we saw a bright red fire shooting to the sky .

  9. 火箭看起来虽然有人往直火星,明亮的红色斑点,东方的天空。

    The rocket looked as though it was heading straight for mars , a bright reddish dot in the eastern sky .