
  1. 在人大校园戏剧小品比赛及各种综合晚会中创作并出演小品若干。

    She created and participated in many comedian competitions .

  2. 首先,校园戏剧的前卫性使其成为探索戏剧各个阶段发展的先锋。

    First , its avant-garde nature makes campus drama a pioneer in exploring the drama development at various stages .

  3. 校园戏剧的特性及其在学生学习生活中的作用&论校园戏剧文化功能之一

    The Characteristics of Campus Drama and Its Role in Students ' Learning Life & On One of the Cultural Functions of Campus Drama

  4. 而高校校园戏剧活动已成为加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的一个重要环节。

    While the campus drama activities has been strengthening and improving college students ' Ideological and political education is an important link in .

  5. 校园戏剧者进行了大胆设想和实验,探索多元的现代戏剧美学特征和艺术形态。

    A bold vision and the campus drama experiments developed in order to explore the diverse characteristics of modern drama aesthetics and artistic forms .

  6. 校园戏剧为中国现代戏剧提供了多种戏剧范式,如写实主义戏剧、现代喜剧、浪漫主义戏剧等。

    The campus drama offers a variety of paradigms of Chinese modem drama , such as realism drama , modern comedy and romantic drama .

  7. 对于不同层次的学校来说,都具有教强的可操作性。中学校园戏剧活动意义重大,理应成为一种有效的辅助教学手段。

    For different levels of schools , it has a strong interoperability , so significant secondary school drama activities should be an effective teaching tool .

  8. 最后,从建构性来讲,校园戏剧建立了有别于传统戏曲和外国戏剧的中国现代戏剧范式。

    Finally , the construction of campus drama has established a new Chinese modern drama paradigm which is different from the Opera and foreign dramas .

  9. 本文将从戏剧表演学的角度论述和分析校园戏剧表演创造状态,探讨校园戏剧原生态表演对于戏剧舞台呈现的意义和价值。

    This paper aims at analyzing conditions of campus drama performance and discussing the significance of the primordial state of acting in campus drama for theatrical presentation in general .

  10. 其次,校园戏剧的教育性,确立了戏剧所担负的社会教育使命,包括学校教育、民众教育、救亡教育。

    Second , the educational nature of campus drama established the dramatic role of social education mission , including the education of school education , popular education and salvation .

  11. 校园戏剧作为校园文化的一部分,以其独特的方式丰富了大学校园生活,培植和加深了大学校园的文化蕴涵。

    The meaning of campus drama , however , is not to contradict the mainstream drama or commercial drama , but to have a positive influence on students campus life .

  12. 校园戏剧作为高校校园文化活动的其中一项分支,在加强高校校园文化建设,发挥思想教育功能上都有重要的作用。

    Campus drama as campus culture is one of the branches , to strengthen the construction of university campus culture , play the function of ideological education are the important role .

  13. 都市戏剧文化是指生存于城市文化土壤上的包括剧场戏剧、社区戏剧、校园戏剧等不同形态的戏剧活动。

    The metropolitan drama culture refers to the survival on the civic culture including the theater drama , the community drama , the campus drama , and different kinds of drama activities and so on .

  14. 校园戏剧以其前卫性、教育性和建构性不断推动戏剧现代化和民族化进程,在中国现代戏剧的建构中起到了重要作用。

    To its avant-garde nature , educational nature and construction , campus drama promotes the process of modernization and nationalization of drama in China , so that it has played an important role in the establishment of the modern drama .

  15. 首先在找寻问题上,剖析学校组织乏力,活动经费短缺;文艺演出类社团的吸引力下降,主动参与者减少;高校校园戏剧活动出现了媚俗的趋势;高校校园戏剧活动的频次下降缺乏持续力的问题。

    First looking for problems , analysis of school organizational weakness , funds shortage ; art performance organizations less attractive , active participants reduced ; campus drama activities appear vulgar tendency ; campus drama activities frequency decreased the lack of sustained force problem .