
xiào yī
  • school doctor
校医 [xiào yī]
  • [school doctor] 给一个学校或全区各校的学生治病或定期进行体检的医生

校医[xiào yī]
  1. 我们校医建议一年去看牙医两次。

    Our school doctor recommends a biannual visit to the dentist .

  2. 这涉及多种学科的队伍包括教师,教育心理学家、家长和校医。

    The multi-disciplinary team includes teachers , educational psychologist , parents and school doctor .

  3. 某高校在校医学生AIDS相关KAB现况研究

    Prevalence study of AIDS KAB among medical students in a college

  4. 方法采用自编大学生一般情况调查问卷(其中一项是调查被试对录取专业的满意度)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),对4294名军校医学生进行测试和评定。

    Methods This investigation was conducted in 4 294 military medical college students using a self-designed questionnaire for the students ' general condition including their major satisfactions , Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) and Eysenck personality questionnaires ( EPQ ) .

  5. 在校医学生艾滋病/性病健康教育近期效果评价

    The AIDS / STD health education evaluation results in training students

  6. 苏州市校医及相关人员学校安全风险认知与评估研究

    Cognition and Evaluation of School Safety Among School Physicians in Suzhou

  7. 高校校医室护理人员的素质

    On the Quality of the Nursing staff at College and University Clinics

  8. 记得从校医那拿个冰袋。

    Be sure and get an ice pack from the school nurse .

  9. 分析本校医学生产生上述非健康心理的原因,其中社会因素是产生非健康心理的间接客观原因;

    There are some reasons for these non-healthy psychology .

  10. 叫几个学生会的男生帮忙送到校医检查下。

    Several students called to the doctor to help the boys under inspection .

  11. 那个老于世故的校医脾气很坏。

    The sophisticated school doctor had a sour temper .

  12. 地方院校医学生临床能力培养的研究与实践

    Research and practice on cultivating medical students ' clinical competence in local educational institutions

  13. 结论大多数在校医学生择业方向明确,认为有必要接受全科医学教育。

    Conclusion The majority of medical students think it necessary to receive general practice education .

  14. 从我校医学生文献借阅情况谈图书馆馆藏建设

    Talking about Library 's Collection Construction from the Literature Loaning Situation of Medical Students in Our University

  15. 有533%的校医及健康教育教师回答曾接受过有关学校预防艾滋病健康教育的培训。

    About 53.3 % of health personnel reported that they were trained on school AIDS prevention education .

  16. 那就是,校医认为他没有健全的体格参加宇航员测试。

    That is , the school doctor didn 't think he had a sound constitution for astronaut examination .

  17. 结果被调查的在校医学生对未来从事急诊急救工作很有兴趣和有兴趣的占有比例为73.33%;

    Results 73.33 % of the undergraduate medical students were interested in emergency and first aid occupation in the future ;

  18. 五年前在常规体格检查时校医告诉我我得心脏有问题。

    P : Well , five years ago in a routine check-up my school doctor told me that I had heart trouble .

  19. 第一部分是医学院校医学生审美教育的现状以及分析存在的问题;

    The first part is about the current state and existing questions of the aesthetic education of the college students of medicine .

  20. 目的对中医药院校医学生开设护理基本功课程进行教学研究。

    Objectives : To conduct investigation on offering courses of basic nursing skills among students of colleges and universities of Chinese medicine .

  21. 子博的父母认为,校医应该尽早将病人送往医院,而不是在原地等120救护车到来。

    They claim that doctors should have sent Zibo to the hospital earlier instead of waiting for the 120 emergency aid to arrive .

  22. adj.一年两度的我们校医建议一年去看两次牙医,我要去看牙医,这是我今年第二次去。

    biannual Our school doctor recommends a biannual visit to the dentist ; I am going to the dentist 's for the second time this year .

  23. 目的了解在校医学生对艾滋病/性病相关知识的知晓情况、相关态度及行为,评价在大学生开展艾滋病/性病健康教育的近期效果。

    Objective To understand the AIDS / STD-related knowledge , attitudes and behavior related to the initial assessment for students in AIDS / STD health education recent results .

  24. 在会诊中,校医说她体重严重过轻,并强制她每周增重,同时辅助以心理专家和营养师辅导。

    In the meeting , they told her she was dangerously underweight and imposed mandatory weekly weigh-ins as well as sessions with a mental health professional and a nutritionist .

  25. 分别有98.2%、96.6%、67.5%的校医赞同在大学、中学和小学高年级开展预防艾滋病健康教育;

    Ninety-eight point two percent , 96.6 % and 67.5 % approved of AIDS prevention education being implemented in university , secondary school and senior grade of primary school respectively .

  26. 然而,与此同时我们也注意到,担负着保护孩子们健康重任的校医的待遇依然保持相对较低,原有的激励机制不够完善。

    However , we also notice that , the income level of school doctors who have the responsibility for protecting children health remains relatively low . The incentive mechanism is not perfect .

  27. 这些新情况新问题给高等医学院校带来了极大的挑战,而目前在校医学生又表现出了不同于以往医学生的思想和行为特点。

    These new situations and problems bring a great challenge to the higher medical school , while the medical students appear quite different from the students before in characteristics of the thought and behavior .

  28. 也希望通过此文,找出学校及政府在校医激励上存在的共性问题,使其它地区的中小学校医在生存和发展中予以借鉴。

    Through this essay , I also want to find out the similarity problem in school doctor incentives of school and government . It is useful for school doctors in other areas to develop their careers .

  29. 为在医学生中开展阅读经典活动,重庆医科大学在本校医学生中进行了读书情况及人文知识的抽样调查。

    To strongly promote the activity of reading classics among medical students , Chongqing University of Medical Sciences has made a sampling survey on the state of reading and their literature knowledge among the medical students .

  30. 这种情况不单会降低校医人员的工作积极性,以至于完不成日常学生预防保健的任务,甚至会制约学校卫生工作的整体发展,影响未来学生健康的整体水平。

    This situation will not only weaken the working enthusiasm which may reduce the efficiency of school doctors to preventive students from disease , but also restrict the development of school health work and affect the health level of students .