
  • 网络integrated science curriculum;integrated science course
  1. 我国综合科学课程发展的羁绊与对策

    The Fetter and Countermeasure of the Integrated Science Curriculum in China

  2. 综合科学课程实施的影响因素分析

    The Analysis of the Main Factors Affecting Integrated Science Curriculum

  3. 综合科学课程内容的组织结构方式主要有七种:科学概念方式、主题方式、环境科学的方式、STS方式、科学过程和科学方法的方式、科学探究方式以及强调科学本质的方式。

    There are seven modes of content organization in the subject of integrated science , including mode of scientific concepts , that of themes , environmental science , STS , science process and method , and scientific inquiry .

  4. 综合科学课程的学生学业评定研究

    Research on the Students ' Learning Assessment in Integrative Science Curriculum

  5. 西班牙综合科学课程改革的述评

    Discussion on the innovation of Natural Sciences in Spain

  6. 综合科学课程实施现状的调查与研究

    The Investigation and Research on the Implementation Status Quo of Integrated Science Curriculum

  7. 关于综合科学课程实施的思考

    Thinking about the practice on integrated science course

  8. 论我国综合科学课程内容组织的发展特征

    The characters of integrated science curriculum content organizing

  9. 综合科学课程标准的国际比较研究

    Research on the International Science Curriculum Standard

  10. 80年代后,我国的综合科学课程也有所发展,经历了几次课程实践。

    After the 80s , our integrated science curriculum also developed , and we had several curricular practice .

  11. 综合科学课程能打破学科间的界限,解决课程过于强调学科本位、科目过多、缺乏整合等问题。

    Integrated Science Course can break the boundary of subjects , resolve subject standard 、 lack of integration problems .

  12. 20世纪下半叶,综合科学课程引起了国际科学教育领域的关注。

    After the middle of 20th century , the integrated science curriculum arose the attention of international science education domain .

  13. 在我国,对综合科学课程的研究尚处于起步阶段,尤其是高中理科综合课程的研究还比较少。

    In our country , the study of integrated science is at the beginning stage , especially in high school .

  14. 学生学业评定如何才能从价值取向上实现综合科学课程的这一目标?

    How can integrative science curriculum exerts the function that cultivates students ' science literacy by means of learning assessment ?

  15. 本论文以综合科学课程内容统整为研究对象,展开科学课程内容统整的理论研究和实践研究。

    With the research objective of integrated science content integration , the paper is consisted of theoretical research and empirical research .

  16. 综合科学课程在培养与提高未来公民的科学素养上,具有独到的优越性。

    Integrated science curriculum has its unique advantages in cultivating and improving the scientific literacy of the citizens of the future .

  17. 综合科学课程改革面临的最大障碍就是师资培养的滞后。

    The training of scientific teachers has long been lagging behind and assumed a big obstacle in the comprehensive science curriculum reform .

  18. 本论文主要研究如何在我国初中阶段推行综合科学课程改革。

    The issue on how to promote the reformation of successfully integrated science course in the present condition is discussed in this dissertation .

  19. 不具备符合综合科学课程要求的学科知识结构和技能。可以通过高师院校改革、调整教师培训策略、增进交流等方面来增强教师对综合科学课程教学的适应性。

    We can improve the adaptability of science teachers through innovating higher teachers college education , adjusting the policy of teacher training and enhancing communication .

  20. 综合科学课程的目标在于以学生的发展为本,全面培养学生的科学素质。

    As we know , the objective of integrative science curriculum is to regard students ' development as the basic ideal and to cultivate their science literacy comprehensively .

  21. 促进综合科学课程实施的建议:①分科与综合两种科学课程共存才能保证学生知识基础和思维结构的全面性。

    Suggestions on the implementation of the integrated science curriculum . ① Only a coexistence of the subject and integrated science curriculum can ensure the comprehensiveness of the structures of the students ' knowledge base and thinking .

  22. 在本次课程改革中,综合科学课程己经正式成为国家基础教育课程体系的重要组成部分,从而打破了建国以来分科课程一统天下的局面。

    In this curriculum reform , the integrated science curriculum becomes an important part of national basic education curriculum . It changed the situation that there is only different subject curriculum in schools since the founding of new China .

  23. 在世纪之交,我国开启了第八次基础教育课程改革,并催生了以提高学生科学素养为目标的中小学综合科学课程。

    At the beginning of the new century , the eighth curriculum reforming has started in elementary education field in our country and it produced science curriculum in Chinese primary and middle school that aims to enhance the students ' literacy .

  24. 本研究以现代课程理论为指导,结合我国基础教育的现状,对综合科学课程的提出及实施科学课程面临的若干问题进行了分析和阐述。

    In this article , according to the current situation of basic education in China , it makes an analysis and elaboration upon the appearance of integrated science and the problems which we are facing in practice under the guide of modern curriculum theory .

  25. 综合科学课程是综合课程的主要类型,是我国基础教育课程体系的重要组成部分,提倡开设综合科学课程是国际科学课程改革的趋势。

    The integrated science curriculum is the main type of integrated curriculum , and it is one of the major components in the basic education curriculum in our country . Advocating the establishment of an integrated science curriculum is a trend in an international science curriculum reform .

  26. 根据不同地区的经济发展水平与已有的教育基础,确定适合的分科与综合科学课程的比重,采用多样化的课程整合模式,探索不同类型的综合科学课程。

    We should determine a proper proportion of the subject and integrated science curriculum on the basis of economic development level and the current basic education in different areas , and we should employ a variety of curriculum integration models and explore different modes of integrated science curriculum .

  27. 我国初中“综合科学”课程教师培养模式的研究

    Studying the Model on Cultivating the Teacher of " Integrated Science " in Our Junior School

  28. 综合《科学》课程的开设对信息技术在科学教育中的应用提出了挑战。

    The integrating curriculum Science challenges the application of IT in science education .

  29. 有些国家只设置一门物理相关课程,而有些国家则设置多门物理相关课程,不仅有综合性的科学课程、独立存在的物理课程,还有针对科学或物理能力培养而独立开设的课程。

    In some countries , only set one physics courses , while others set more than one physics curriculums , there are integrated curriculum , subject curriculum and ability training courses in science or physical .

  30. 为适应中小学课程改革中综合性的科学课程和综合实践活动课程探究性学习的需要,研发便携式微型科学实验箱是基础教育学段教学仪器改革中的当务之急。

    To adapt to the researchful study of comprehensive science classes and practical activity classes , it is urgent to develop a " portable miniature scientific experimental suitcase " in primary education teaching instrument reform .