
  1. 港口城市交通文化特征要求港口城市在城市形象建设中体现水的特色、综合交通形象、数字港口形象以及绿色城市形象

    These communication culture characteristics require the port city to reflect its water charcter , composite communication features , digital port profile and green city identity in establishing the port city identity . FIGURE

  2. 品牌已由简单意义上的产品标识演化为综合企业形象,产品质量和文化内涵的鲜明标志,成为企业进行市场营销的主力。

    Brand has become the main force in corporate marketing campaign by evolving from the simple label of a product into the distinct symbol conveying a corporate identity , product quality and its cultural connotation .

  3. 本文针对栖霞电视台综合频道形象片项目,从视觉设计和动画制作两方面出发,对栖霞电视频道的整体宣传形象设计展开了探索和创意。

    To illustrate the image film programme of Qixia TV Comprehensive Channel , this study made creative exploration and imagination on the overall image design of Qixia TV channel from the aspects of visual image design and flash production .

  4. 现代建筑正朝着功能的综合化、形象的艺术化、色彩的多样化、地域特征的交叉化和布局的环境化方向发展。

    Modern buildings are becoming comprehensive in functions , artistic in images , various in colors , crossed in regional characteristics , good to enviromental protection in overall arrangement .

  5. 汉字的这些特点以及认知汉字的独特方式,必然会对儿童的思维产生特殊影响,必须有助于儿童整体思维水平以及分析综合能力、形象思维能力和类推能力的提高。

    These traits of Chinese characters and the unique methods for learning them are sure to have special impact on the thinking of children and on the improvement of children 's entire thinking ability , etc.

  6. 电视艺术是一门视听艺术,传达给观众的是一种视觉和听觉综合的视听形象,但是,在影视形象体系中起主要作用的、最具影响力的还是视觉形象。

    Academy of Television Arts is a visual art , to convey to the audience a visual and auditory integrated audio-visual image , but in the video image of the system play a major role , the most influential or the visual image .

  7. 城市形象是城市发展状态的综合反映,城市形象定位是城市形象设计的前提。

    City image is a comprehensive reflection of the state of urban development , its position is the premise of the city image design .

  8. 文学名著影视生产是指以文学名著内容进行的文学电影与文学电视生产,它具有创新性、审美崇高性、有序性、综合性、直观形象性、高尚情趣性、影响高效性等特征。

    Literary classics filming production designates producing films of TV programms based on literary classics . It has such features as creativity , aesthetic loftiness , orderliness , comprehensiveness , direct visuality , lofty taste , and efficiency of influence .

  9. 名牌是产品符合需求的综合标志,是一种企业的综合素质形象的挖潜和发展。

    Famous brand is a mark in a comprehensive way for products as required . It is a tapping of potential in business and development and show of its whole quality .