
  • 网络Integrated programme;ERAS
  1. ATM网络的一种实时传输调度和信元丢失控制的综合方案

    Integration of real-time traffic scheduling and cell loss control in ATM Networks

  2. 高电阻率地域电气接地系统综合方案

    Optimal Design of Electrical Earthing System in High Resistivity Area

  3. 整厂综合方案节省时间和资金

    Composite Plant Project from ABB Saves Time and Money

  4. 交替半身照射综合方案治疗急性白血病残留病的临床观察

    Alternative Half-Body Irradiation Combined Scheme for Patients with Residual Disease of Acute Leukemia

  5. 北京中轴线城市设计综合方案

    Comprehensive urban design scheme for beijing 's central axis

  6. 视频监控及会议视讯综合方案

    Integration of Video Monitoring System and Video Conferencing System

  7. 决定方法、媒介、“客户利润”的综合方案。

    Decide on our mix of methods , media ," customer benefits ", etc.

  8. 结论:交替半身照射综合方案,对残留白血病有良好的治疗效果。

    Conclusion : The alternative half-body irradiation combined scheme is markedly effective to leukemia .

  9. 综合方案治疗缺血性中风急性期24例临床观察

    A Clinical Observation on Combined Therapy for 24 Cases of Ischemic Stroke at Acute Stage

  10. 科学和技术进步综合方案

    Comprehensive Programme of Scientific and Technological Progress

  11. 社会主义经济一体化综合方案

    Complex Programme of Socialist Economic Integration

  12. 针刺推拿综合方案治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的多中心随机对照研究

    Multicenter randomized controlled study on acupuncture-massage comprehensive program for treatment of cervical spondylosis of arterial type

  13. 艾灸和运动综合方案干预肾精亏虚矮小症疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of moxibustion and exercise for children with short stature of deficience of the kidney essence

  14. 通过对方案研究过程的阐述,从减少拆迁量、节省拆迁费用等角度,介绍车辆段段址选择及接轨综合方案确定的经验和体会。

    Experiences of depot site selection and rail connection are introduced in terms of reducing building removal and saving removal costs etc.

  15. 将零序电流加速保护与距离保护相配合得到自动重合闸加速保护综合方案,改善了重合闸后加速保护的性能。

    According to the schemes , a general schemes for auto recloser accelerating protection is presented which improves performance of accelerating protection .

  16. 通过对变频器过流及过载原因的分析,提出了解决的综合方案。

    The cause and analysis for overcurrent and overload produced by an inverter are made and comprehensive scheme to be solved is proposed .

  17. 综合方案就是使用连锁校验模式,使每段代码不仅仅存在于自身程序段中,而且还要置于其他程序段来有效执行。

    The resulting scheme is an Interlocking Trust Model , for which each segment not only on itself but also on other segments to effectively perform its task .

  18. 本文提出一种现代自来水企业生产自动化和信息管理自动化高度集成的综合方案,并在实践中予以实施。

    This paper presents an integrated automatization program dealing with the automatization of production and information management in a modern water works and describes its implementation through practice .

  19. 行为了解好了,但设计团队没确定综合方案&换句话说,组织缺少考虑周全的架构。

    Behavior was well understood , but the design teams were not settling on a comprehensive approach & in other words , the organization lacked a well-thought-out architecture .

  20. 纳税筹划是纳税人在法律规定许可的范围内,通过对经营管理等涉税活动进行科学的决策、计划和安排,做出纳税支出最小化和资本收益最大化综合方案的纳税优化选择。

    The Tax Planning is a optimum choice to minimize the expenditure and maximize the synthetic plan which to be done by the taxpayer through scientific decision , plan and arrangement .

  21. 根据岸边环境容量计算结果,提出了三峡水库污染混合区的控制标准。同时,推荐了三峡水库水环境容量的综合方案。

    On the basis of comparison among several design schemes for the bank ′ s environmental capacity , the acceptable criteria for the pollution mixing zone and the comprehensive scheme of water environmental capacity for the reservoir are recommended .

  22. 在这一时刻,剖析行政收费产生的原因,探讨行政收费立法中的一些重要问题,讨论解决行政收费问题的综合方案是十分有必要的。

    At the very moment , it is very necessary to analyse the causes of administrative charge , to inquire into some important problems on administrative legislation and discuss a comprehensive plan for solving the problem of collecting fees at random .

  23. 同时,巴塞尔委员会与金融稳定局也正在研究针对系统重要性银行的综合方案,具体可能包括诸如资本附加费、或有资本、保释债等一系列措施。

    Meanwhile , the Basel Committee together with the Financial Stability Board are also studying integrated programs in accordance with the banks of systemic importance , such specific programs may include capital surcharges , contingent capital , bail-in debt and a series of other relevant measures .

  24. 用PLC实现数字变频器运行控制的综合实验方案

    A comprehensive experiments plan for the work control of DFC with PLC

  25. 基于Linux平台的过程控制双机热备综合解决方案

    Comprehensive Solution Oriented Online Dual System for Process Control Based on Linux

  26. 另一个创新是IP读卡器采用以太网供电和通信,目的为寻求一种一体化的综合解决方案。

    Another innovation is an IP reader that is powered by and communicates over Ethernet for a complete , one-tier solution .

  27. 大庆油田高含水后期综合调整方案DSS的研究

    The Study on DSS for Aggregate Adjustment of Daqing Oil Field Later High Water-cut Stage

  28. TOPSIS法在职业危害综合控制方案决策中的应用

    Application of topsis to the decision-making on comprehensive control solution for occupational hazard

  29. 为保证校区E道路的正常运行及拟建科技中心的安全,本文提出了采用抗滑桩及挡土墙为主,辅以地表、地下排水工程等综合治理方案。

    In order to ensure the safety of the road and the proposed Science and Technology Center , the authors recommend a comprehensive control program , which combines glide-resisting stake and earth-retaining walls .

  30. 针对南京理工大学校园网现状提出了基于Linux平台下的IPv4/IPv6综合组网方案。

    Under the actual network state of Nanjing University of Science & Technology , we propose IPv4 / IPv6 compositive network scheme based on Linux operation system .