
  1. 本文的最后一部分为结论,主要是将文章中的观点和内容进行综合性的总结。

    The last part is a conclusion which mainly carries on the article as the comprehensive summary .

  2. 第五方面是结论部分,李珥赋在韩国辞赋中的价值意义做出综合性的总结。

    The fifth is the conclusion , li er fu was in South Korea the value of a comprehensive summary of the meaning .

  3. 本文从改性方法,改性材料的形态,结构与性能的关系,以及改性材料的应用等方面对此领域的研究做了综合性的总结。

    This article presents a comprehensive review about the modifying methods , the morphology , the structure , the properties and the applications of the modifying materials .

  4. 最后,对系统的开发做出了综合性的总结,并提出了系统今后需要改进与完善的地方。

    Finally , the system has made a comprehensive summary of the development in the future , and puts forward the system needs to be improved and the perfect place .

  5. 方法对近4年我院收治的极低出生体重儿合并呼吸暂停45例的综合治疗进行回顾性总结,其中药物治疗用氨茶碱和纳络酮。

    Methods Review and retrospectively analyze the method of combined therapy on 45 cases of apnea of very low birth weight infant in our hospital nearly 4 years , drug treatment with aminophyline and naloxone .