
  1. 综合配套改革试点工作也取得了新的进展。

    Further progress was also made in the pilot reforms to promote comprehensive and sustainable development .

  2. 推进现代农业综合配套改革试点,支持发展多种形式适度规模经营。

    We carried out integrated and comprehensive pilot reforms to modernize agriculture and supported the development of diversified and large-scale farming .

  3. 最后分析了陕西省统筹城乡综合配套改革试点高陵县实现就地城镇化的动力机制。

    Finally , analysis the dynamic mechanism of new rural community planning of Gaoling , which is urban and rural comprehensive reform in Shaanxi Province .

  4. 天津滨海新区的发展上升为国家战略,将与深圳特区、上海浦东新区共同进行综合配套改革试点。

    The Development of Tianjin 's New Binhai District has been promoted as the a national strategy , and is regarded as the comprehensive systematic reform experimental area together with Shenzhen SEZ and Shanghai Pudong District .

  5. 2005年6月,国务院批准浦东在全国率先进行综合配套改革试点,开启了浦东从政策创新迈向制度创新、从追求硬实力到追求软实力的发展新阶段。

    In June 2005 , the State Council approved to Pudong comprehensive supporting reform as the first in China , opening the new stage of Pudong from the policy innovation to system innovation , from the pursuit of hard power to the pursuit of soft power development .

  6. 综合配套改革的试点经验与政策建议

    Experiences of and Suggestions for the Comprehensive Reform in the Institution Innovation of Pudong