
  • 网络Yueyang Port;PORT OF YUEYANG
  1. 收购岳阳港可行性分析及恢复期经营策略

    Feasible Analysis of Purchase Yueyang Port and Management Strategy in Convalescence

  2. 最后,本文根据评价结论进行对比分析并结合岳阳港的竞争特点给出提高岳阳港综合竞争力的对策建议。

    Finally , according to the evaluation conclusion analysis and combined with the characteristics of Yueyang port competition is to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of Yueyang port countermeasures and Suggestions .

  3. 并根据系统动力学原理,构建了基于系统动力学的岳阳港与腹地经济协同发展关系模型,明确了岳阳港与腹地经济系统内部各主要因素的因果反馈关系。

    Thirdly , in accordance with principles of system dynamics , build port and its hinterland economic coordinated development relationship model . And clear feedback causal relationship of factors for Yueyang port and its hinterland economic .

  4. 为了使岳阳港能客观了解自身所处的地位、优势和不足,在以后的发展中扬长避短、挖掘优势,提升综合竞争力。

    In order to make the Yueyang port can objectively understand their own place , advantages and disadvantages , in the later developing enhance strong points and avoid weaknesses , mining advantage , improve comprehensive competitiveness .

  5. 最后,根据岳阳港与腹地经济的发展现状与仿真结果分析,本文提出了改善岳阳港与腹地经济协同发展关系的对策与建议。

    And finally , according to the results of modeling and simulation in combination with the economic hinterland of Yueyang Port and the actual situation , put forward some measures to improve coordinated development relationship of the port and its hinterland economy .