
yuè mǔ
  • mother-in-law;wife's mother
岳母 [yuè mǔ]
  • [mother-in-law] 妻子的母亲

岳母[yuè mǔ]
  1. 他必须容忍他的岳母。

    He have to tolerate his wife 's mother .

  2. 我岳母在我们这里小住。

    My wife 's mother is staying with us .

  3. 你去看你岳母,可不能空手去。

    You can 't go to see your mother-in-law without taking a gift .

  4. 最后他叫岳母赶紧离开,让他们独自生活。

    He finally told his mother-in-law to clear out and let them live their own lives .

  5. 就连奥巴马总统的岳母玛丽安·罗宾逊也同意离开芝加哥,到白宫帮忙照顾她的孙女。

    Even President Obama 's mother-in-law , Marian Robinson , has agreed to leave Chicago and into the White House to help care for her granddaughters .

  6. 一个专门猎杀狮子、大象等大型动物的猎人和妻子、岳母一起去打猎。

    A big – game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in-law .

  7. 猎人拿起来复枪,喝了一大口威士忌,和妻子一起去寻找岳母。在距离帐篷不远的空地,他们看到一个令人不寒而栗的场景:岳母站在一片浓密的灌木丛前,无法后退,面前对着一头雄狮。

    The hunter picked up his rifle sight : the mother-in-law was backed up against a thick , impenetrable bush , and a large male lion stood facing her .

  8. 第十二条丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。

    Article 12 Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall , in relationship to their parents-in-law , be regarded as successors first in order .

  9. 自从她的患病的岳母搬来一起住后,Brooke几乎没有睡好觉;

    Brooke has barely slept since her ailing mother-in-law moved in .

  10. 今年春天早些时候,我参加了我的岳母在英国白金汉大学(UniversityofBuckingham)的毕业典礼,她被授予了艺术史硕士学位。

    Earlier this spring I attended my mother-in-law 's graduation ceremony at the University of Buckingham , where she was being awarded an MA in history of art .

  11. A.LEWIS:我不记得我说了什么,但是我的岳母说我告诉他,妹妹的心脏坏了。

    A. LEWIS : I don 't remember saying this , but my mother-in-law said that I told him , well , she has a broken heart .

  12. 因为有了你们所教导的一切,Gi会是个好妈妈。所以Kim感谢你是城里最棒的岳母。

    Cuz Gi will be a great mom with the things you 've taught her . So Kim thanks for being the best mom in-law in town .

  13. 挂了电话之后,我的岳母发现Luke把钥匙放在了某个地方,可是她哪都找不着。

    After hanging up , my mother-in-law realized that Luke had put the keys down someplace , but she couldn 't find them anywhere .

  14. 然而半天过去了,你发现自己正在不停地查看邮件,上Facebook看你阿姨家猫的照片,并调大音量听音乐来排除同事和岳母电话吵架的干扰。

    Halfway through the day , however , you find yourself checking your email for the fifth time , looking at your aunts cat pictures on Facebook , and trying to tune out your coworkers loud conversation about his mother-in-law .

  15. 今年32岁的Kevin表示:妈妈和岳母正催着我买房,但他补充称:我会在(今年)下半年开始看房,那时价格甚至会更低。

    My mum and my wife 's mum are pushing me to buy , the 32-year-old says . But he adds : I 'll start looking in the second half [ of the year ] when prices will be even lower .

  16. 在读了Tristan的博客后,知道他以前的女友和他的前准岳母正在遭受疾病的痛苦,我感到难受和压抑。

    After reading Tristan 's Blog , I just feel sorry and depressed to know that two of his beloved women-his ex-girlfriend together with his mother-in-law-are suffering from serious diseases .

  17. 婆媳关系,女婿和岳母的关系长久以来一直挑战作家和喜剧演员,在VideoJug的帮助和顾问HillieMarshall的建议下,你可以解决这个问题。

    This relationship has traditionally challenged writers and comedians , so here is a simple guide to tackling it , with VideoJug 's help and advice from counsellor Hillie Marshall .

  18. 梁楠的妻子、孩子、母亲和岳母还在Laox免税店福冈分店里兴致勃勃地逛着,他们正沉浸在购物狂热中。

    The rest of Mr Liang 's party - wife , toddler , mother and mother-in-law - are still roaring around the Fukuoka branch of Laox in a state of retail fervour .

  19. 先生多年来与他的岳母相处不好。

    Mr.A has been in bad with his mother-in-law for years .

  20. 我的岳母一定是世界上最爱挑剔的人。

    My mother-in-law has to be the world 's biggest fuss-budget .

  21. 那是他第一次去看望岳父和岳母。

    It was his first visit to his wife 's parents .

  22. 如果你岳母来了,你就忙了。

    When your mother-in-law is here , you 'll be busy .

  23. 他在影片中扮演岳母。

    She played the part of the mother-in-law in the film .

  24. 他有一个绝对凶狠暴躁的岳母。

    He 's got an absolute harridan of a mother-in-law .

  25. 我的父亲、母亲、岳母,都是老师!

    My father and mother both of them are teacher .

  26. 我的妻子和我岳母下周到来。

    My wife and my mother-in-law are arriving next week .

  27. 我提过岳母的做饭风格是地中海式的吗?

    Did I mention my mother-in-law specializes in Mediterranean cuisine ?

  28. 禁止安装岳母1.0或重装另一版本的男朋友程序。

    DO NOT install Mother-In-Law1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program .

  29. 他总是有把握能获得他岳母的同情。

    He was always sure of sympathy from his mother-in-law .

  30. 找到你未来的真爱又能见你的未来岳父岳母的地方

    Where to meet your match ... and your in-laws .