
yuè fēi
  • Yue Fei;Song general, model of patriotism for his stand against the Jin invaders
  1. 岳飞字鹏举。

    Yue Fei styled himself Pengju .

  2. 在河南,腊八粥又称“大家饭”,是纪念民族英雄岳飞的一种节日食俗。

    The Laba porridge is called " Union Food " in Henan province , which is a food custom in memory of China 's national hero Yue Fei .

  3. 武术精神在岳飞人物中的主要体现。

    The spirit of martial arts of Guan Yu phenomenon reflection .

  4. 岳飞被害时,年仅39岁。

    Yue Fei was only 39 at the time he was executed .

  5. 你快带我去看一下岳飞墓吧。

    Take me to look at the mausoleum of General Yue fei .

  6. 我在书摊儿上买了一本《岳飞全传》。

    I bought Yuefei 's Complete Biography in the bookstall .

  7. 岳飞形象变得神明、崇高、完美。

    Yue Fei had become the image of gods , noble and ideal .

  8. 小秦说小岳谋反,逮捕了岳飞。

    Yue Qin small small rebellion that the arrest of General Yue Fei .

  9. 岳飞生命都有危险,岂能有所作为!

    Fei 's life has dangerous , how can we make a difference !

  10. 岳飞死的时候才三十九岁。

    Yue Fei died at thirty-nine years of age .

  11. 这不是对岳飞的不尊重嘛?

    Does it show disrespect for Yue fei ?

  12. 结语部分对岳飞戏创作的整体情况进行简要概括和评价综述。

    And the epilogue sums up briefly the whole development of Yue Fei drama .

  13. 岳飞做为宋代名将,他的英雄事迹名垂千古。

    As a famous song dynasty general , the heroic deeds of Yuefei are immortalized .

  14. 宋代踏白为水军番号,岳飞曾统该军;

    Song Tap White Army designation for water , Yue Fei has unified the Army ;

  15. 岳飞由于绍兴和议的条约在1142年被处死。

    Yue Fei in particular was executed under the terms of the treaty in 1142 .

  16. 岳飞精神述论

    On the Spirit of Yue Fei

  17. 与此相反,人民热爱岳飞。

    In contrast to this , people have always cherished a deep love for Yue Fei .

  18. 岳飞墓的门口跪着四个铁人呢。

    There are four iron men kneeling in front of the mausoleum of General Yue fei .

  19. 岳飞被害时,年仅39岁。39个实战经典句型

    Yue Fei was only 39 at the time he was executed . Thirty-nine Practical Key Sentences

  20. 中国历史上有很多英雄,例如,岳飞,等。

    There are many great heroes in Chinese history ; for example , Yue Fei , ect .

  21. 民间坚持说,岳飞等受到的是活剥人皮的苦刑。

    Civil insisted that Yue Fei is a living , such as by stripping of human skin torture .

  22. 岳飞(1103~1141),中国最伟大的将军和民族英雄之一。

    Yue Fei ( 1103 ~ 1141 ) was one of China 's greatest generals and national heroes .

  23. 然而,由于岳飞、韩世忠和其他一些英雄将领的抵抗,战争并不像之前那么成功。

    However , this proved less successful due to the resistance of Yuefei , Han Shizhong and other heroes .

  24. 他们可分为民间英雄、忠臣、奸臣之三大类型,使岳飞的忠臣形象得到强化。

    They may divide into third the big types folk of of heroic , the loyal minister , disloyal subject .

  25. 岳飞的悲剧色彩得到了极大的渲染,岳飞在民间悲剧英雄的形象得以树立。

    The tragic image of Yue Fei had been greatly rendered , and people treated him as a tragic hero .

  26. 岳飞被尊为伟大的民族英雄,秦桧被视为卖国贼。

    Yue Fei became revered as a great national hero , and Ch'in Kuei came to be viewed as a traitor .

  27. 20世纪,岳飞被赞为最佳民族抗敌英雄。

    In the 20th century , Yue has been extolled as a champion of national resistance in the face of foreign domination .

  28. 你岳飞能耐大,把两个皇帝接回来,现在的皇帝往那里摆?

    Your ability to Yue Fei , and the two then come back to the emperor , the emperor to put there ?

  29. 发现被害人倒毙于河岸。岳飞被害时,年仅39岁。

    The victim was found lying dead on the river bank . Yue Fei was only 39 at the time he was executed .

  30. 岳飞的民族英雄形象在国家和民间的互动中得到统一。

    So the image of Yue Fei of a national hero had been united in the interaction between national perspective and civil perspective .