
  • Yueyang region;【地名】【中国】Yueyang Prefecture
  1. 桃花山是岳阳地区古墓葬的密集分布区。

    Taohua mountain is an intensively-distributed tomb area of Yueyang region .

  2. 岳阳地区266株淋球菌药敏结果分析

    Analysis of Antibiotic Susceptibility of 266 Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Strains in Yueyang

  3. 超声回弹综合法检测岳阳地区混凝土抗压强度曲线的建立

    Concrete compression strength curve checking by supersonic rebound synthetic method for Yueyang areas

  4. 岳阳地区工业用电消费趋势的研究

    The Study of Yueyang Industrial Electric Power Consumption Trend

  5. 岳阳地区头孢他啶使用量与鲍曼不动杆菌耐药性的相关性分析

    Correlativity Analysis on Consumption of Ceftazidime and Drug Resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii in Yueyang

  6. 利用岳阳地区历史地震等震线资料,得到了其椭园、带形烈度衰减关系;

    Using 11 historical isoseismals data of the studied area we obtained the ellipsoid attenuation relationship and strip-shape attenuation relationship .

  7. 文章从全国和岳阳地区两个层面介绍了油脂行业的发展现状和发展趋势,利用波特的五种力量模型对油脂行业的竞争环境进行了分析,并着重分析了几个主要的竞争对手。

    The paper introduces the present and development situation of oil industry in china and Yueyang area . The thesis analyses the competitive environment of oil industry by Porter Five Element Model and put emphasis on analyzing some main competitors .

  8. 岳阳及周边地区地震构造与地震活动性研究

    Study of seismotectonics and seismicity for Yueyang City and its adjacent area