
  1. 一位孝顺的儿子带着父母、岳父母和妻儿,全家去餐馆享用周末大餐。

    An filial son went to a restaurant with father , mother , father-in-law , mother-in-law , wife and child to enjoin a happy weekend meal .

  2. 岳林和室友们常常把笔记本电脑放在桌上,门半掩着,就去别的寝室聊天或者出去吃东西了。

    Yue and his peers often leave their laptop on the desk and dormitory door ajar when chatting with friends in another dormitory or grabbing a snack outside .

  3. 人物、岳、言和信仰都是明显的存在。

    Persons , mountains , languages , and beliefs are distinct entities .

  4. 原告岳某在注册和使用涉案域名时是否存在恶意,即对恶意标准的认定。

    When the plaintiff yue to register and use the domain name involved whether there is a " malicious ", namely that of " malicious " standard .