
  • 网络yueyang;Yueyang County
  1. 基于GIS的岳阳县土地利用变化研究

    Study on land use / cover change based on GIS-A case of Yueyang county

  2. 本文考察的是岳阳县方言的程度表达法。

    The thesis explores on the expression of degrees of Yueyang County dialect .

  3. 岳阳县总体经济计量预测模型及其应用

    Yueyang County Aggregate Econometric Forecasting Model and Its Application

  4. 岳阳县方言语音研究

    The Phonological Study of the Dialect in Yueyang County

  5. 岳阳县水土保持生态环境建设对策分析

    Countermeasures Analysis on Ecological Environment of Soil and Water Conservation in Yueyang County

  6. 第一章,总结了岳阳县农村文化建设取得的成绩。

    Chapter I , summed up the achievements of rural culture construction in Yueyang county .

  7. 岳阳县水厂老房屋结构检测评定与加固改造

    Old building structure test , evaluation , reinforcement and transformation of Yueyang county water factory

  8. 岳阳县农村的经济、政治、文化及社会建设步入了全面发展的时期。

    Yueyang county rural economic , political , cultural and social construction entered a period of comprehensive development .

  9. 第二类区域包括泪罗市、屈原管理区、临湘市和岳阳县。

    Second kinds of regions including Miluo City , Qu Yuan Management District , Linxiang city and Yueyang county .

  10. 英汉称谓语与文化岳阳县方言女性称谓男性化现象及分析

    The phenomenon and the related analysis about the virilism in the appellation for women in the dialect of Yueyang County

  11. 因此本研究在湖南省岳阳县选了2个丘陵村和1个山区村作为研究区域,对130户农户进行了问卷调查,并有针对性地抽了7户农户进行案例调查。

    Hence 2 hilly villages and 1 mountainous village in Yueyang County , Hunan Province , were selected purposely as research area .

  12. 第二章描写分析了岳阳县荣家湾镇话的文白异读和新发展的情况。

    The second chapter describes and analyses literary reading and colloquial reading and the new developments of literary reading and colloquial reading on some characters .

  13. 目的:了解东洞庭湖区岳阳县专业渔民血吸虫感染状况及肝脾异常状况,并探讨其相关影响因素,为科学制定渔民血吸虫病防治对策提供相关依据。

    Objective : To understand schistosome infection status and liver and spleen abnormal situation of the professional fishermen in Yueyang County , East Dongting Lake Region .

  14. 其时,岳阳县规定采砂船数量只能是6条,总功率为1.3万马力。

    The Yueyang county government requires that the number of its sand dredges should not exceed six and the total power used should not exceed 13,000 horsepower .

  15. 到了2010年,岳阳县终止与该公司的开采合同,遂以1亿元的底价重新招标。

    Then in 2010 , the Yueyang county government ended the contract with this company and launched a new bid with a minimum price of 100 million yuan .

  16. 由此,出让砂石资源就成了洞庭湖所在的岳阳县、汨罗市的重要财政收入来源。

    Therefore , sand excavation has proven to be an important source of financial income for the local governments of Yueyang County and Miluo City , where Dongting Lake is located .

  17. 罗水发源于岳阳县芭蕉乡坳背里,西南流至汨罗市大丘湾入汨罗江,长88公里,流域面积595平方公里。

    Luo water originated from Yueyang County plantain Au Pui Township , southwest flow to Miluo City , Bay Hill into the Miluo River , 88 km long , the valley area of595 square kilometers .

  18. 岳阳县方言处于湘方言与赣方言的交界处,其在程度表达法上有一些与普通话和其他方言不一样的地方。

    The Yueyang County dialect is in the border of Xiang dialect and Gan dialect . We discovery that the Yueyang County dialect is different from the Mandarin and other dialects in the degree methods to some degree .

  19. 岳阳县方言的程度表达法比较丰富,主要有形容词重叠、程度状语、程度补语等方式,通过这些形式来表达或强或弱的程度。

    The Yueyang County dialect has various forms of expression of degrees of , including reduplication , stative adjectives , degree adverbs , degree complements and so on . It expressess the strong degree or weak degree with these forms .

  20. 岳阳县方言中女性称谓男性化,是汉民族特有的民族心理、传统文化、经济形式以及所处的地理位置等因素形成的。

    Most of Women 's appellations are butch . The virilism in the appellation for women in the dialect of Yueyang County is shaped with the influence of the special psychology , traditional culture , economic form , geographical condition and some other factors in the Han nationality .

  21. 第二章,现阶段岳阳县农村文化建设中仍然存在的问题。主要包含:机制不健全、队伍不稳定、投入不足、活动单薄、政府重经济轻文化以及不良文化的传播。

    The second chapter , at this stage , problems still exist in the rural culture construction in Yueyang county , includes : mechanisms are not perfect , the team unstable , inadequate investment , hiking , light government economic and cultural activities , and dissemination of unhealthy culture .