
  • 网络Taoyuan;taoyuan county
  1. 桃源县山丘型光壳钉螺向沅江扩散的调查

    Investigation on the snail spread to the Yuanjiang River in Taoyuan County

  2. 桃源县西安白钨矿床特征及其成因

    Features and genesis of the Xian scheelite deposit , taoyuan county , hunan

  3. 湖南省桃源县县域景观格局变化及驱动力典型相关分析

    Landscape pattern changes and driving force at county level in Hunan Province

  4. 从桃源县沿河而上这已是第五个夜晚。

    This was the fifth night Of my trip upstream from Taoyuan .

  5. 桃源县廊道共有三种类型:公路、农村道路和沟渠。

    Taoyuan ' corridors have three types : highway , rural roads and ditches .

  6. 湖南省桃源县畜牧业地域生态类型的研究

    Study on the ecological classification of animal husbandry regions of Daoyuan County of Hunan Province

  7. 湖南桃源县棉花生产回顾及可持续发展对策

    Looking Back of Cotton Production and Continuously Develop Countermeasures of Taoyuan County of Hunan Province

  8. 桃源县麻风病调查报告

    Survey on Leprosy in Taoyuan County

  9. 桃源县茶叶具有优良的种质资源、优越的产地环境和健全的科技支撑体系。

    Taoyuan tea industry possesses rich variety resource , superior producing surroundings and systematical science support .

  10. 桃源县山丘型血吸虫病新疫区阻断传播的对策研究

    Study on the Strategy of Interrupting Schistosomiasis Transmission in a Hilly New Endemic Area of Taoyuan County

  11. 1941年冬天日军实施的常德细菌战造成常德地区鼠疫大流行,桃源县小村庄李家湾也未能幸免。

    In the winter of 1941 , Japanese germ warfare made a plague in the region of Changde .

  12. 对湖南省株洲市、桃源县和蓝山县等3处的油茶林红壤的物理化学性质进行了研究。

    Physical and chemical properties of 3 types of red soil in the oil-tea camellia woods of Hunan , China were studied .

  13. 我包定的那一只小船,在天空大把撒着雪子时已泊了岸,从桃源县沿河而上这已是第五个夜晚。

    The small boat I had hired moored after the first flurries of snow fell . This was the fifth night of my trip upstream from Taoyuan .

  14. 湖南省桃源县是典型的农业大县,由于历史和自然条件等原因,该县无论经济和教育都居中等水平,在湖南具有一定的代表性。

    Due to historical and natural conditions , it is an average county in terms of economic and educational development , and the county has some representation in Hunan .