
  1. 本文在讲述桃花坞木刻年画的历史及其艺术价值的同时,对当代桃花坞木刻年画的保护进行了研讨。

    This article describes the history and artistic value of Taohuawu woodcut print , and puts forward suggestions for the protection of this fine art .

  2. 此外,桃花坞的木刻年画也享有盛名。

    Besides , the Taohuawu wood engraving Spring Festival pictures also enjoy great reputation .

  3. 桃花坞“姑苏版”木刻年画是特指清代乾隆年间带有“西法”风格的年画作品,它是整个桃花坞木刻年画中较为特殊的例子。

    Gusu engraving of Taohuawu woodcutting New Years prints is the works with western style in the period of Emperor Qianlong of Qing dynasty .