
  • 网络Yongtai County
  1. 本文以永泰县为研究区,以RSGISES技术为支持,对研究区生态景观征兆信息图谱进行初步研究。

    The thesis involves a tentative research into Omen Information Tupu of Ecological Landscape on the basis of RS-GIS-ES technology , and Fujian 's Yongtai County is taken as an object of study .

  2. 永泰县旅游资源调查与评价

    Survey and Evaluation of Tourism Resources in Yongtai County

  3. 永泰县旅游业发展前景及对策

    Development Prospect and Countermeasures of Tourism in Yongtai County

  4. 浅析福建省永泰县竹业经营现状与发展对策

    Management Status and Development Countermeasures of Bamboo Industry in Yongtai County , Fujian Province

  5. 永泰县鸟类区系研究

    A Study on the Avifauna of Yongtai

  6. 永泰县生态林管护机制改革与补偿资金管理的探讨

    Care Mechanism Reform of Ecology Public Welfare Forest and Compensation Funds Management in Yongtai County

  7. 永泰县世行项目造林地幼林病虫害调查

    Surveys of Young Forest Diseases and Insect Pests on Afforestation Sites of the World Bank

  8. 介绍了福建省永泰县某锌矿综合回收的工艺研究结果和生产应用实践。

    The author introduced the research results and production practices of comprehensive recovery for the zinc-gold intergrowth ore from a zinc mine in Yongtai , Fujian .

  9. 通过调查摸清了永泰县古树名木的现状,表明全县有776株古树名木,分属24科、39属,53种。

    The present situation of famous and ancient trees in Yongtai County were investigated . The survey showed that there were altogether 776 famous and ancient trees in the county , subordinated to 53 species , 39 genera , and 24 families .

  10. 在调查的基础上,对福建省永泰县十五期间竹业发展的现状、经营经验、存在问题进行研究和分析,有针对性地提出永泰竹业发展思路与对策。

    On the basis of investigation , the paper analyses the status , management practice and existent prob-lems of bamboo industry in tenth five-year period in Yongtai County , Fujian Province , and presents thought and countermeasures pertinent to bamboo industry development in the county .