
  • 网络Suichuan County
  1. 遂川县森林分类经营

    Forest Classified Management of Suichuan County

  2. 对江西省遂川县林业产权制度改革中参与式方法的运用进行了初步总结。

    The paper has summarized the application of the participationary method into forestry property relations reform of Suichuan county of Jiangxi Province .

  3. 遂川县人工林林分干材收获模型

    Trunk Volume Model of Artificial Forest Stand

  4. 对我国深山区移民扶贫成本的社会学分析&以江西省遂川县为例

    Sociological Analysis of the Costs of Alleviating Poverty by Migration From Remote Mountains & Take Suichuan County , Jiangxi Province as an Example

  5. 集体林权制度改革中农户流转收益合理性分析&以江西省遂川县为例

    Reasonableness of Farmers ' Transfer Benefits in the Reform of Collective Forest Property Rights System : A Case Study in Suichuan County of Jiangxi Province

  6. 记录了吉安市境内鸟类167种,隶属13目45科,有12种为江西新记录;遂川县是棕三趾鹑分布的北界。

    167 species subordinating to 45 families from 13 orders were recorded within the boundary of Ji'an City , among which 12 species was new records of Jiangxi Province .

  7. 遂川县具有优越的地理、气候、土壤条件和丰富的山地资源,是金柑生产的理想条件,金柑产业也成为了遂川特色产业之一。

    With advantageous geographic , climate , soil , and the hill county of rich resources , Suichuan is an ideal place of kumquat fruit produced , and the kumquat fruit industry has become one of the features in Suichuan industries .

  8. 井冈山革命老区五县一市是井冈山革命根据地的主要组成部分,包括江西省辖区的井冈山市、永新县、遂川县和莲花县,湖南省辖区的炎陵县和茶陵县。

    Jinggangshan revolutionary base areas " five counties and one city " is a major component of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area , which include Jinggangshan City , Yongxin County , Suichuan County , Lianhua County in Jiangxi Province and Yanling County , ChaLing County in Hunan Province .

  9. 宁冈、永新、莲花、遂川都有县政府,并成立了边界政府。

    County governments were set up in Ningkang , Yunghsin , Lienhua and Suichuan , and a border area government was formed .

  10. 我们的区域内,宁冈、遂川、酃县、茶陵,都有土客籍问题,而以宁冈的问题为最严重。

    Within our own area the problem of the native inhabitants and the settlers exists in ningkang , suichuan , linghsien and chaling , and is most serious in ningkang .

  11. 军事根据地:第一个根据地是井冈山,介在宁冈、酃县、遂川、永新四县之交。

    As for the military bases , the first base , the Chingkang mountains , is at the juncture of four counties , ningkang , linghsien , Suichuan and yunghsin .

  12. 从遂川县志中得知,遂川县西部山区群众历来有捕鸟猎食的习惯,当地人认为此地有条“千古鸟道”。

    In1998 , a passageway of migratory birds was discovered in the western mountain area of Sui Chuan county .