
  1. 由于牙周病同时损害了牙槽骨和牙周韧带,遂使牙齿在牙槽里晃动。

    Since periodontal disease results in loss of both bone and periodontal ligament , the tooth gradually wobbles in its socket .

  2. 楚文化与中原文化的结合,使玄想与实际一体,遂使神仙、历史人物、现实生活并见于画面。

    As a result , immortals , historical figures and real lives have all been made use of in the painting art .

  3. 那些画廊派的哲学家把死底价值抬得太高了,并且因为他们对于死准备过甚,遂使死在人看起来更为可怕。

    Certainly , the Stoics bestowed too much cost upon death , and by their great preparations , made it appear more fearful .

  4. 如此复杂的精神架构遂使《野草》既显示为一个战士的挑战,也显示为一个失败者的求乞与忏悔。

    Such a complicated spiritual structure makes Wild Grass both a change from a fighter and the begging and confession of a defeated one .

  5. 这种缺陷因为一个人不得不设法掩盖,遂使他在别的方面也作伪,以免有荒疏之虞也。

    Which because a man must needs disguise , it maketh him practise simulation in other things , lest his hand should be out of use .

  6. 但是,由于这种研究手法具有一定的倒叙色彩且缺乏必要的周延,遂使大量的事实被排除于历史叙事之外。

    However , this approach is characterized by extrapolation to the past from the present and also lacks the necessary inclusiveness , resulting in the exclusion of a lot of historical facts .

  7. 上主天主遂使人熟睡,当他睡著了,就取出了他的一根肋骨,再用肉补满原处。

    Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam : and when he was fast asleep , he took one of his ribs , and filled up flesh for it .

  8. 鉴于设立登记理论研究不足及登记实践中的种种乱象,遂使笔者关注此问题,经长久研习渐进形成此文。

    Given the lack of theoretical research and the registration of establishment registration practice in all the chaos , and bringing the attention to this question , a long time studying the asymptotic form this article .

  9. 天主想起了诺厄和同他在方舟内的一切野兽和牲畜,遂使风吹过大地,水渐渐退落;

    And God kept Noah in mind , and all the living things and the cattle which were with him in the ark : and God sent a wind over the earth , and the waters went down .

  10. 向心力和离心力互相对峙的缘故,遂能使行星在轨道上行动。

    The centripetal and centrifugal forces acting in opposition to each other keep our planet in her orbit .

  11. 大家的视线遂转向留给弗朗德勒使臣的看台。

    Next , all eyes turned towards the platform reserved for the Flemish envoys .