
  • 网络Talent concept;talent mindset
  1. 地方高校需确立全新的人才理念

    Establishment of a New Talent Concept in Local Colleges and Universities

  2. 科学的人才理念应当是全面开放的、展的、践的人才理念。

    Scientific talent concept should be full open , developing and practical .

  3. 研究生教育人才理念:反思与建构

    Human Talent View of Graduate Education : Reflection and Construction

  4. 高等学校培养创新人才理念简论

    A Brief Study on the Concept of Creative Talents Training in Universities

  5. 现代企业的人才理念及大学生就业指导

    Enterprises ' Conception of Talent and Employment Guidance for Graduates

  6. 21世纪我国高等教育人才理念探讨

    The Discussion on Idea of Talents with Higher Education in 21 ~( st ) Century

  7. 树立什么样的人才理念、用什么样的人,事关企业的兴衰成败。

    What kind of talent concept , establish with what kind of person , is the enterprise vicissitudes .

  8. 人才理念:给所有员工营造一个自有宽松的工作平苔,让员工与公司共同成长。

    Talent philosophy : giving all employees a free and easy working platform to grow with the company .

  9. 随着高校培养具有创新意识的高素质、高层次人才理念的推进,实验室作为重要培养基地,取得了快速发展。

    With the promotion of developing innovative idea for training high-quality , high-level personnel , laboratories as an important training base have achieved rapid development .

  10. 因此,管理必须遵循一般原则,必须确立以人为本的管理思想,同时还必须确立人才理念。

    Thus , management should follow basic principles and the management thoughts centered on humans must be established and so must a concept of talents be established .

  11. 能力建设的路径是转变人才理念、建构能力框架、促进结构调整、整合培养机制和创新制度环境。

    The way of capacity construction is to change the view of quality personnel , to build capable structure , to adjust quality personnel structure , to integrate training systems and innovate systematical environment ?

  12. 二是对齐鲁文化优秀美质的大力张扬,主要体现在自由张扬的反抗精神、厚德仁民的民本思想、尊贤尚功的人才理念以及同仇敌忾的民族气节等不同方面。

    The outstanding beauty of Qilu culture is strongly embodied in the following four areas : freedom of publicity of rebellious spirit , Tak Man of the people of this idea , the concept of respect for the elite talents and common national integrity and hatred for enemies .

  13. 人的全面发展理论与现代医院人才管理理念

    Theory of All-Around Development of Human and Modern Hospital talent Management

  14. 创新型外语人才的理念与内涵&调查与分析

    The conception and connotation of innovative FL talents : Investigation and analysis

  15. 关于创新人才培养理念、模式及机制的探讨

    On the Notion , Model and Mechanism of the Cultivation of Innovative Talent

  16. 创新人才培养理念提高思想政治教育水平

    Innovating the Ideas of Talents Cultivation and Improving the Quality of Ideological Education

  17. 企业领导者应以史为鉴,更新人才管理理念。

    The leaders should take warning from history and renew idea of talents management .

  18. 论培养人文主义的外语人才教育理念

    Promotion Education Idea of " the Humanism " in Foreign Language Teaching by Sino-Australia Cooperation

  19. 人才培养理念是人才培养主体基于特定的培养目的而形成的有关人才培养指导思想和观念的集合。

    The principle of talents training is the integration of talents cultivation ideology and concepts that base themselves on defined objectives .

  20. 积极更新人才培养理念,培养与旅游业发展相适应的高素质人才。

    With a new concept concerned , We need to foster highly qualified talents fitting in with the development of tourism .

  21. 保持核地质教育特色,树立全新地学人才培养理念&资源勘查工程专业人才培养模式浅谈

    Maintaining the Feature of Nuclear Geoscience Education and Establishing Brand - newly Idea of Training Geoscience Talents & Brief discussion about the training pattern of talents in resource exploration engineering

  22. 本文从塑造新的人才培养理念出发,针对性地对人才培养模式中的培养目标、课程体系设计、教学方式以及师资结构作了新的思考。

    This article is based on the new concept of education , providing fresh thinking on the educational aim as well as the curriculum design , teaching methods and the faculty .

  23. 本文从创新型外语人才的理念和内涵入手,着重论述了外语素质教育的本质和培养创新型外语人才的方法及手段。

    Based on the concept and connotation of innovative foreign language talents , this essay emphasizes on the essence of foreign language quality education and the approaches of cultivating innovative foreign language talents .

  24. 市场经济人才需求理念的转变,就业的巨大压力,致使许多大学生都意识全面提高自身素质的重要性和必要性,并开始采取一些措施加以补救。

    The changes in demand for talented people of market economy and the employment pressure has led to many college students to improve their comprehensive quality and began to take some remedial measures .

  25. 从人的发展、研究生教育内在发展逻辑以及社会对研究生教育的外部需求三个维度出发,有利于建构研究生教育人才新理念。

    This article attempts to reconstruct the new human talent view of graduate education from three dimensions of the human development , the internal development logic of graduate education and the external demand for post-graduates by society .

  26. 各级领导更新观念,领导需要有远见,革除旧式的人才选拔理念。但最重要的还是有一个完善的体制改善河江省人才引入质量。

    Leaders at all levels must renew the idea , get rid of the old concept of talent selection , constantly improve the talent introduction system , and improve the quality of talents introduction in Ha Giang Province .

  27. 将培养社会急需的创新人才的理念贯穿于学科建设、课程改革和教学改革的始终,是高校履行其社会责任、学术责任和教育责任的集中体现。

    The idea of training the innovative personnel in the urgent social need runs through the subject building , the course reform and the teaching reform , which concentrates universities carry out their social , educational and academic duties .

  28. 以科学发展观提升高校人才培养理念,必须做到四个坚持:坚持以学生为本,确立高校人才培养的出发点和立足点;

    " Four insistences " must be implemented in order to promote the cultivation of talent at universities with scientific development conception : insisting on regarding students as teaching basis to establish the starting point and standpoint for training ;

  29. 通过对成人脱产高等学历教育的人才培养理念、人才的素质结构、深化教学改革、优化育人体系等方面进行研究思考,探索和构建更加适应社会需求的成人脱产高等学历教育人才培养模式。

    Through reflections on the objectives of adult education , quality structure of the personnel and teaching reforms , suggestions are made for the improvement of the training mode of adult education to meet the demands of the society .

  30. 信息化改造过程使贸易经济人才的理念体系和教育过程得以创新,表现为培养模式、知识结构设计、教学手段和教学方法等的创新,并带来教学研究和专业领域的创新。

    Now , the ideology system and educational process about that have been renewed , such as innovations to model of training , structure of knowledge and way of teaching , which cause to further creation in commercial educational research and the specialty educational system .