
  1. 银北地区盐碱地耐盐牧草高效种植技术的研究

    Studies on Efficient Forage Planting Technology on Saline-alkali-land in Northern Yinchuan Area

  2. 银北地区电能计量装置存在的问题及防窃电改造措施

    The existing problems of electrical power metering installation and improvement measures on anti-stealing electricity

  3. 宁夏银北地区灌溉水资源的合理利用

    Rational utilization of the water resources for irrigation in the northern area of Ningxia

  4. 宁夏银北地区盐化土壤改良成效研究

    Effect of special soil amendment for improvement of saline soil in northern Yinchuan of Ningxia

  5. 宁夏银北地区是宁夏肉羊生产的重要基地,农民来自养羊的收入占农民人均纯收入的20%左右。

    Yinbei Region is the important meat type sheep production base of Ningxia , and the earnings form rising sheep account for20 % of the total income of local peasants .

  6. 宁夏银北地区位于宁夏引黄灌区下游,水资源相对缺乏,排水条件差,地下水位较高,降水稀少,蒸发强烈,造成面积较大的盐碱荒地。

    Northern of Yinchuan plain located in downstream of the yellow river irrigation area , lack of water recourses relatively , and high underground water level , precipitation is little , and evaporation is intensive , so a lot of alkaline land formed .