
yín shù
  • silver tree
银树[yín shù]
  1. 比之前的银树来得更漂亮。

    These trees were even more beautiful than the silver trees .

  2. 跑过金叶子的树,穿过两旁种着银树的大道。

    Past the trees with the golden leaves and beyond the avenue lined with silver trees .

  3. 重新正确地穿梭壳的线。跑过金叶子的树,穿过两旁种着银树的大道。

    Properly thread the bobbin case . past the trees with the golden leaves and beyond the avenue lined with silver trees .

  4. 南京引种的银鹊树生长发育良好。

    ( 3 ) The growth and development of T.

  5. 银鹊树生态特性的研究

    A study on the ecological characteristics

  6. 这种银纳米树结构可能在将来的自组装微型功能化设备中得到广泛应用。

    The silver dendritic structures can be used for catalytic reduction of4-nitroaniline and this structures might be used for the micro-functional devices in the future .

  7. 她向这儿看看,那里望望,望见银果子悬挂在银树上;

    This way , and that , she peers , and sees Silver fruit upon silver trees ;