
  • 网络Bank Restructuring
  1. 谁自付中国的银行重组账单?

    Who Pays China 's Bank Restructuring Bill ?

  2. 有一种更高效的办法可以换来时间它类似于一个适用在承压主权国家身上的“银行重组机构”。

    There is a more efficient way of buying time akin to a bank restructuring agency , applied to sovereigns under stress .

  3. 我国商业银行重组的变革历程与未来路径

    The changing course of restructuring china 's commercial banks and road ahead

  4. 日本银行重组及其对中国银行业发展的启示

    The Restructure of the Bank of Japan and the Inspiration to China

  5. 战略投资者对中国的银行重组具有特殊的重要性

    Strategic investors have significant influence upon China 's bank recombination

  6. 论网络经济下的银行重组

    A Study on the Bank Reengineering under Network Economy

  7. 银行重组改制中的风险防范

    Prevention of Risks in Bank System Reformation

  8. 东南亚四国银行重组中的外资参与

    The Participation of Foreign Capital in the Reorganization of Banks of Four South-east Asian Countries

  9. 什么是银行重组的最佳方式?

    How does one best restructure banks ?

  10. 世纪之交,银行重组已成为经济深化改革的矛盾焦点。

    At the beginning of this century , the financial restructure is the highlight of the domestic economical reform in China .

  11. 吉林银行重组完成并实现跨区域发展后,如何完善内部审计、提高内控和风险管理水平是当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    Jilin Bank restructuring is complete and cross-regional development , how to improve the internal audit to improve internal control and risk management is an urgent need to address the problem .

  12. 银行重组有力地促进了资本的合理流动,推动银行资本和经营的多元化发展,有效降低和化解银行风险,提高银行的经营效益。

    Bank mergers is a viable way to reduce or remove risk and to promote operational benefits by forcing the rational flow of capital and pushing forward the diversified ownership of banks .

  13. 在理论支撑下,分析了国内外商业银行重组的案例,说明重组能够给银行带来更好的效益,并为湖南省城市商业银行重组提供借鉴。

    In theoretical support , analyzes cases of restructuring in domestic and foreign commercial bank , the cases Illustrate restructuring can lead to better benefits , which work in concert with the theoretical basis , and provide Reference for city commercial banks in Hunan Province .

  14. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)也将宣布银行资本重组计划,一些高级官员支持提高资本比率,并可能在今天公布支持方案。

    Some senior officials at the European Commission , due to unveil its own plan for bank recapitalisations , support the higher levels and could announce their backing today .

  15. 欧洲委员会(EuropeanCommission)批准了欧洲银行资本重组计划,是因为银行在改经济体中的关键作用&只要信贷量有所增加,那就证明政府干涉是正确的。

    The reason why Europe 's bank-recapitalisation schemes have been approved by the European Commission is that banks play a critical role in the economy : increased lending justifies intervention .

  16. 爱尔兰官员上周日坚持表示,他们不需要来自欧盟(eu)的财政援助,尽管该国政府面临的接受援助并迅速拿出银行体系重组计划的压力已经增大。

    Irish officials insisted on Sunday that they did not need fiscal assistance from the European Union even as pressure mounted on Dublin to accept aid and quickly present plans to restructure its banking system .

  17. 国家开发银行将重组为一家股份制公司,自行承担投资风险,根据其自身的商业利益做出贷款决定,吸收公众存款,并最终通过首次公开发行(ipo)出售股份。

    CDB will restructure into a shareholding company , assume responsibility for the risks of its investments , make lending decisions based on its own commercial interests , take deposits from the public and eventually sell shares in an initial public offering .

  18. 西班牙将把贷款用于本国的“银行有序重组基金”(frob),而不是用于主要预算。

    Madrid will borrow money not for its main budget but for the frob , its bank bailout fund .

  19. 但是,让欧洲金融稳定机制(efsf)贷款给西班牙银行资本重组基金(按西班牙语称为frob)的构想,无法通过这一测试。

    But the idea for the European financial stability facility to lend money to the Spanish bank recapitalisation fund , known by its Spanish initials frob , does not meet this test .

  20. 湖南城市商业银行合并重组中的人力资源整合策略

    The Strategy on the Human Resource Integration of Hunan City-commercial-bank Reorganization

  21. 日本银行体系重组的启示

    Lessons to Be Learned from the Restructuring of Japans Bank System

  22. 墨西哥银行业重组经验对我国银行业改革的启示

    The Experience of Mexican Banking Reform and Its Implication for China

  23. 金曼还密切参与了突破性的银行资本重组。

    Mr Kingman was also closely involved in the ground-breaking bank recapitalisation .

  24. 中国商业银行战略重组风险与防范研究

    On the Risk and Prevention of Chinese Commercial Banking 's Strategic Reorganization

  25. 在此之前,不应进行银行资本重组。

    The recapitalisation of the banks should wait until then .

  26. 测试结果将为必要的银行业重组提供指引。

    The results will guide the necessary restructuring of the banking sector .

  27. 国有商业银行财务重组关系到我国银行改革的成败。

    Financial re-construction is crucial for Chinese bank reform .

  28. 银行业重组:制度基础、模式选择与实施步骤

    System , Model and Procedure of Restructuring Bank Industry

  29. 并购理论与银行功能重组

    M & A Theory and Functional Restructuring of Bank

  30. 泰国银行业重组措施及效果分析

    Banks ' Restructuring and Its Effect on Thai land