
  • Shihezi region;【地名】【中国】Shihezi Prefecture
  1. 石河子地区加工番茄坏死条斑病毒原的ELISA检测及品种抗病性鉴定

    Virus Detection of Necrotic Stripe Disease by ELISA and Resistance Identification of Processing Tomato Cultivars in Shihezi Area

  2. 同时通过实时荧光定量PCR,得知AK基因在石河子地区棉铃虫体内的表达量比敏感品系棉铃虫体内AK基因表达量高77.36%。

    At the same time by real time quantitative PCR , that AK gene expression in vivo Shihezi area than cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera susceptible strain AK gene expression in vivo high 77.36 % .

  3. 石河子地区100km范围内沙漠对绿洲的增温平均1.76℃(1~2℃);

    The added temperature is average 1 . 76 ℃ . about the scope of 100 km in Shihezi Area ;

  4. 石河子地区近47a日照时数变化特征分析

    Variation of Sunshine Hour since Recent 47 Years in the ShiHeZi Area

  5. 并以T213欧洲中心数值预报产品为基础,结合人工智能专家预报、MOS预报等方法,研制了一套客观定量自动化的石河子地区中量以上降水预报业务系统。

    Based on ECMWF numerical forecasting products , associate with the artificial intelligence expert forecasts , and MOS forecast method etc. , has developed a set of objective automatic operational forecast system of precipitation over medium-quantity in Shihezi area .

  6. 石河子地区一次冰雹天气的成因及物理机制的分析

    An Analysis on the Formation Cause and Physical Mechanism of Hail

  7. 石河子地区某奶牛场结核病的检疫

    The Quarantine for Tuberculosis of a Dairy Farm in Shihezi Area

  8. 新疆石河子地区牛病毒性腹泻病毒的分子流行病学调查

    Epidemiology Investigation of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Shihezi , Xinjiang

  9. 石河子地区1963&1984年人口死亡统计分析

    A statistical analysis of mortality in Shihezi from 1963 to 1984

  10. 新疆石河子地区口腔毛滴虫与齿龈内阿米巴感染的调查分析

    A survey of Trichomonas Tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis in Shihezi District

  11. 石河子地区一次强对流天气综合分析

    Characteristic Analysis of a Strong Convective Weather in Shihezi Area

  12. 石河子地区中量以上降水预报业务系统

    Operational Forecast System of Precipitation over Medium - quantity in Shihezi Area

  13. 石河子地区强对流天气统计特征及防雹作业指标

    Statistical Characteristics of Severe Convection Weather in Shihezi Area

  14. 石河子地区近46年来积温变化趋势特征研究

    The Variation tendency of accumulated temperature in Shihezi in the past 46 years

  15. 石河子地区粮食作物害螨种类的调查研究

    An Investigation on the Species of Pernicious Mite of Cereal Crop in Shihezi Region

  16. 新疆石河子地区印度麻花叶病植株病毒分离物的鉴定

    Identification of a virus isolate from sunn Crotalaria with mosaic disease in Xinjiang Shihezi

  17. 石河子地区气温变化特征及对农业影响初探

    Character on the Temperature Variation and Preliminary Study on Agriculture Effect in Shihezi Area

  18. 石河子地区一次大雾天气的诊断分析

    Diagnostic Analysis of Heavy Fog in Shihezi Area

  19. 石河子地区降水资源分析

    Analysis of Precipitation Resources in Shihezi Area

  20. 第二章介绍了石河子地区汉族移民的基本概况。

    The second chapter describes the migration of Han nationality in Shihezi the basic profiles .

  21. 石河子地区人口老龄化的现状、问题及其对策

    An Exploration on Present Situation , Problems and Countermeasures of the Population Aging in Shihezi Areas

  22. 基于地质统计学影像纹理的石河子地区化控期棉花长势监测

    Cotton growth monitoring during chemical control stage using geostatistical image texture : a case study of Shihezi

  23. 新疆石河子地区65岁以上1230人老年痴呆流行病学调查

    Epidemiological study of senile dementia in 1230 patients aged over 65 years from Shihezi District , Xinjiang Autonomous Region

  24. 石河子地区泉水溢出带农业生态系统演替规律的初步研究&以石河子农学院实验农场为例

    A Preliminary Research of Agricultural Ecosystem Succession Law in Spring Water Overflowing Belt of Shihezi Area ── Taking Experimental Farm of Shihezi Agricultural College as an Example

  25. 根据新疆石河子地区引进和自育加工番茄的试验数据,运用灰色关联度分析方法,对其主要性状与理想品种性状之间的密切程度进行综合评估。

    On the basis of the tomato processing test in Shihezi , Xinjiang , the relationship between the main properties and suitable processing properties was appraised by using gray correlation analysis .

  26. 从石河子地区某奶牛场100份临床健康牛乳样中分离出25株葡萄球菌,经过鉴定,确定为金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌和腐生葡萄球菌,并用纸片法进行了药敏试验。

    25 strains of staphylococci were isolated from 100 samples of milks that were clinic healthy cows in Shihezi area , They were identified to be staphylococcus aureus , staphylococcus epidermidis and staphylococcus pythogenesis .

  27. 近儿年在新疆石河子地区数个湖羊种羊场先后爆发疑似绵羊传染性胸膜肺炎的疾病,发病率和死亡率较高,造成了巨大的经济损失。

    In recent years , respiratory disease which like contagious ovine pleuropneumonia successively broke out in several breeding Hu sheep farms in Shihezi of Xinjiang , with high incidence and death rate , and induced great economical Ioss .

  28. 为进一步研究甜高粱新能源产业提供基础资料。通过研究,确定了甜高粱茎秆在新疆石河子地区露天贮藏的可行性。

    To provide the basic data for study the sweet sorghum on new energy industry in the future . Through the research had determined the sweet sorghum stem pole was feasibility which open-air stores in the Xinjiang Shihezi area .

  29. 本文采用三维立体容积分析法对三个地区工业企业管理系统进行分析比较,从而对石河子地区工业企业管理系统未来发展战略提出合理化建议。

    The thesis has come up with the solution and suggestion of the developing tactics of industry enterprises management system in Shihezi area , by using the " three - side stereoscopic volume " analysis and comparing the management system of the industry enterprises in three areas .

  30. 新疆石河子市及周边地区奶牛子宫内膜炎的发病规律调查

    The Investigation of Occurrence Regularity on Endometritis of Dairy Cow in Shihezi City and Surrounding Areas in Xinjiang