
rén fánɡ jiàn shè
  • building of people's air defense
  1. 前进中的兰州人防建设

    Construction of People 's Air Defense of Lanzhou City Forging Ahead

  2. 海湾战争对人防建设的启示

    The Enlightenment of Gulf War on Civil Defence Construction

  3. 本文对《人防建设与城市建设相结合规划》编制的程序,所涉及到的方面,需进行的分析研究工作,以及需要协调工作的部门作了较详细的说明。

    This paper deals with procedure , aspects concerned , investi-gation needed and coordination of various institutions for combined plan of urban construction with civil defence construction .

  4. 同时对《人防建设与城市建设相结合规划》有关的问题作了若干探讨,有助于其它城市相结合规划的编制以及该项工作的发展。

    Problems and Compilation of Combined Plan of Urban Construction with Civil Defence Construction in Shanghai Problems for such plan are discussed which will help to such work in other cities .

  5. 在新的国际政治、经济、军事形势下,我国国防战略已做出重大转变,人防建设战略也应随之做相应的调整。

    Facing the new international political , economical and military situations , there were great changes in strategy of national defence , therefore there should be regulations for strategy of civil air defence construction .

  6. 长沙市8408附建式人防工程建设的做法和体会

    A Practice on an Attached Civil Defence Construction in Changsha City

  7. 对我国城市人防工程建设的思考

    Thinking on the Construction of Civil Defense Engineering in China

  8. 坚持城市建设与人防工程建设结合,对推进我国城市地下空间的开发利用具有重要意义。

    Its significance for promoting development of underground space was pointed out .

  9. 当前城市人防工程建设中的若干问题及其对策

    Several Problems and Their Countermeasures on Urban Air Defence Construction

  10. 新世纪初的城市人防工程建设(二)&机遇、挑战与对策

    Construction of Civil Air Defence Works at the Beginning of This Century & Part ⅱ: Opportunities , Challenges and Solutions

  11. 随着人防工程建设规模的扩大与发展,对人防工程结构的损伤诊断及其安全性评价已成为亟待解决的重要问题。

    With the development of civil air-defense engineering structures , their damage diagnosis and safety evaluation have become important problems needed to be solved urgently .

  12. 而人防工程建设是国防建设重要组成,是经济建设的重要内容,是城市建设的重要方面。

    While civil air defense construction is an important component of national defense , an important part of economic development , and an important aspect of urban construction .

  13. 通过比较可看出我国城市人防工程建设在经费投入比例、市场化开发程度、人员掩蔽率等方面与国外存在较大差距。

    It can be concluded by comparison that there is great disparity in budget ratio , market deploitation degree and sheltering ratio between China and some foreign countries .

  14. 第二章主要通过实例介绍了国内城市人防工程建设发展的弊端以及人防工程发展现状和存在的问题。

    Second chapter was chiefly introduced internal follow-on malpractice of city civil defense engineering construction as well as the civil defense engineering development present situation and the question of existence by way of the living example .

  15. 论文研究结果表明,把人防工程建设有机地融于城市地下空间开发利用之中,将二者紧密结合起来,是十分必要和非常重要的,也是切实可行的。

    The research result of this thesis express , it is very necessary and important , also is feasible actually , that the civil air defence engineering construction is melted in the development and utilization of urban underground space organically , put together two close knots .

  16. 通过对北京市城市人防工程建设与管理的现状分析,揭示了发展中存在的问题,提出了强化经济发展中人防建设规划的结合方式。第八章是论文总结与展望。

    Through the Beijing Municipal Construction and Management of Civil Air Defense Engineering and Analysis , revealed the problems in the development is proposed to strengthen the economic development of civil air defense construction plan of the combination . Chapter ⅷ is a summary and outlook paper .

  17. 针对北京市城市人防工程建设从起步到良性发展的渐进过程,我们可以提出一些更好的发展建议。第七章是北京市人防工程建设与管理模式创新设计。

    For civil air defense construction projects in Beijing city to the sound development from the start of the gradual process , we can make some better development proposals . Chapter ⅶ of the civil air defense construction projects in Beijing model of creative design and management .

  18. 向高空发展和地下空间的开发,是节约有限的土地资源,调整土地使用结构,人防和国防建设的必然选择。

    To the high development and the development of underground space , is to save the limited land resources , adjust land use structure , civil air defense and national defense construction of the inevitable choice .

  19. 人防授时系统作为人防建设过程中的一个重要组成部分,它对于时间同步精度的要求也越来越高。

    Air defense air defense system as timing the process of building an important part of it for the time synchronization accuracy requirements are also increasing .

  20. 废旧人防工事拆除方法探讨西宁人防建设在前进

    Discussion of Demolition Method About Abandoned Air Defense Works

  21. 人防是国防的重要组成部分,人防建设是国民经济和社会发展的重要方面。

    Civil Air Defence is an important component of national defence , and it is also an important aspect of the national economy and social development .

  22. 连拱隧道与人防洞室连接段的空间受力分析西宁人防建设在前进

    Spatial force analysis on the connection between a dual - arch tunnel and a civil defense passage