
  • 网络People's Party;BJP;populist party;Partido Popular;Folkpartiet
  1. 这个创意如此“高超”,以至于反对移民的丹麦人民党(DanishPeople'sParty)也提议在该国电影中加入乳房画面。

    The idea was so brilliant that the anti-immigrant Danish People 's Party proposed sticking breasts into Denmark 's film .

  2. 德里地区由凡人党(AamAadmiParty)执政,而警察机构则由联邦政府及领导该政府的人民党(BharatiyaJanataParty)管理。

    The Delhi regional government is run by the Aam Aadmi Party , and the police come under the federal government and its Bharatiya Janata Party .

  3. 巴基斯坦人民党和在南部城市卡拉奇的民族运动党(MQM)。

    the Pakistan People 's Party and MQM in the southern city Karachi .

  4. 瑞典国会议员、自由人民党成员蒂娜・阿克托夫特(TinaAcketoft)表示,在上世纪50年代,若要看到一位瑞典男性在照顾孩子,“那简直是不可思议的”。

    Tina Acketoft , a Folkpartiet member of parliament , says ' it would have been unthinkable ' to see a Swedish man taking care of children in the 1950s . '

  5. 在英国举行退欧公投3天后,西班牙选民对马里亚诺•拉霍伊(MarianoRajoy)领导的中右翼人民党(Popularparty)的支持率有所提高,尽管该政党曝出了一系列腐败丑闻。

    Three days after the Brexit vote in the UK , Spanish voters increased support for Mariano Rajoy 's centre-right Popular party , in spite of a series of corruption scandals linked to it .

  6. 甚至Advani自己的印度人民党也很快说无意于提前选举。

    Even Mr Advani 's Bharatiya Janata Party quickly said it did notwant early polls .

  7. 反对派印度人民党(BJP)领袖LKAdvani谴责政府未能保证孟买的安全。

    LK Advani , leader of India 's opposition Bharatiya Janata Party , blamed the government for failing to keep Mumbai secure .

  8. 自由人民党的领导成员里斯波特・恩波约德(LisbetEnbjerde)去年11月份在《赫尔辛堡日报》(HelsingborgsDagblad)上发表社论称,“如今的父亲们不是手里举着大棒的原始人,而是对家庭对亲人肩负着不断增加之责任的男人。”

    The fathers of today are not cavemen with clubs in their hand , but men that take an ever increasing responsibility for home and family , ' wrote leading party member Lisbet Enbjerde in a November editorial in the Helsingborgs Dagblad newspaper .

  9. 人民党成员卡巴表示,他对对话感到满意。

    PADES Party member Ousmane Kaba says he is satisfied with the dialogue .

  10. 他指责执政的柬埔寨人民党试图窃取选举。

    He accuses the ruling Cambodian People 's Party of trying to steal the election .

  11. 但是巴基斯坦人民党则认为,穆沙拉夫任命的法官应当留任。

    The Pakistan People 's Party argues Mr. Musharraf 's appointed judges should remain in power .

  12. 主要反对党印度人民党也在讨论其表现不佳的原因。

    The main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is also discussing the reasons which led to its poor performance .

  13. 我们还采访了一些女性选民,她们全部支持布托女士生前领导的巴基斯坦人民党。

    Among the several women voters we spoke with , all supported Ms. Bhutto 's Pakistan People 's Party .

  14. 在上个月举行的选举中,贝.布托的巴基斯坦人民党得到大量民众的同情,获得的议会席位最多。

    Her Pakistan Peoples Party swept to victory , on a wave of sympathy , in last month 's elections .

  15. 她说,前面还有很多困难,巴基斯坦人民党是解决国家问题的最佳政党。

    She said there are many difficulties ahead and the PPP is the best party for addressing the country 's problems .

  16. 保守的欧洲人民党获得了29.4%的支持率,紧随其后的是欧洲社会民主党(25.4%)。

    Die konservative Europ ä ische Volkspartei landet mit 29,4 Prozent vorn , gefolgt von der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas ( 25,4 ) .

  17. 对人民党来说,吃牛肉是一个容易引发情绪的问题各邦政府已经出台严格的法律,禁止牛肉的交易。

    Beef is an emotive issue for the BJP whose governments in various states have come out with tough laws banning its trade .

  18. 印度人民党总理候选人纳伦德拉·莫迪计划在比哈尔邦首府巴特那市举行竞选集会。

    The BJP 's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is to hold a campaign rally in Patna , the state capital of Bihar .

  19. 在首都的议会大厅里,巴基斯坦人民党的支持者在选举委员会主席宣布投票结果之前就已经开始欢呼雀跃了。

    In the capital 's national assembly hall , supporters of the Pakistan Peoples Party were jubilant even before the election commissioner announced results .

  20. 印度人民党说,需要这项法律来阻止恐怖威胁。但政府说,这条法律被用来骚扰回教徒。

    The BJP says the law is needed to tackle the growing terror threat , but the government says it was misused to harass Muslims .

  21. 国民议会一共有268个议席。目前结果显示,巴基斯坦人民党领先,获得大约87个议席。巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(谢里夫派)位居第二,获得66个议席。

    The Pakistan People 's Party is in the lead with some 87 seats followed by Nawaz Sharif 's Pakistan Muslim League with 66 seats .

  22. 扎尔达里的政治对手祝贺他星期六当选总统,但是也敦促他不再同巴基斯坦人民党保持密切的从属关系。

    Zardari 's political opponents congratulated on his election win Saturday , but also urged him to drop his close affiliation with the Pakistan Peoples Party .

  23. 虽然自由人民党否决了将强制假期延长至三个月的提议,但是支持这项提议的人数却在增加。

    Although the party rejected the proposal to add a required third month , the number of members in favor of the idea is rising . '

  24. 布托所属的巴基斯坦人民党领导的新的联合政府承诺,要通过对话和发展来对付正在崛起中的伊斯兰激进分子。

    Pakistan 's new coalition government , led by Bhutto 's Pakistan People 's Party has promised to deal with rising Islamic militancy through dialogue and development .

  25. 波兰的保守派预计也会在投票中表现良好,意大利总理贝卢斯科尼的自由人民党也是一样。

    Conservatives in Poland are also expected to fare well in the vote , as is Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi 's Freedom People 's Party in Italy .

  26. 在去年10月份召开的自由派的自由人民党(Folkpartiet)一年一度的政策会议上,大部分发言时间都用来谈论关于是否应该延长产假这件事了。

    The majority of the speaking time at the yearly policy meeting of liberal Folkpartiet party in October was devoted to the issue of extending paternity support .

  27. 佐勒菲卡尔??阿里??布托在为其创建的巴基斯坦人民党选择掌门人时,就是选择其女儿贝娜齐尔??布托,而并没有选择同样是国会议员的儿子穆尔塔扎??布托。

    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto did this when choosing Benazir to run his Pakistan People 's Party , overlooking his son , Murtaza , who was also a member of parliament .

  28. 事发地位于巴特那市火车站站台,据悉,反对党印度人民党计划当天在该市举行大型政治集会。

    The blast hit the platform at the railway station in Patna city , as a big political rally by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is due to be held .

  29. 2004年,当索尼娅・甘地领导的国大党从人民党手中夺回政权时,瓦德拉还在经营一家出口廉价时尚珠宝的小公司。

    When Congress , with Sonia Gandhi at the helm , retook power from the BJP in 2004 , Mr. Vadra was running a small business exporting inexpensive costume jewelry .

  30. 扎尔达里的两个女儿举着她们母亲贝纳齐尔.布托的画像,布托过去领导的人民党成员为扎尔达里的胜选向她们表示祝贺。

    Zardari 's two daughters held a portrait of their mother , Benazir Bhutto , as members of the party she once led congratulated them on their father 's victory .