
  1. 这两家私人股本公司加入花旗银行(citibank)、东亚银行(bea)和汇丰(hsbc)等银行的行列,获得了提供人民币理财产品的资格。

    The two private equity firms join banks such as Citibank , Bank of East Asia and HSBC in their ability to offer Renminbi products .

  2. 研究表明,基于AR(2)-GARCH(1,1)模型的VaR方法可以较好的对债券类人民币理财产品的收益率进行风险度量,因而利用VaR方法度量人民币理财产品收益率的波动性是可行的。

    The research shows that : Based on the AR ( 2 ) - GARCH ( 1,1 ) model of the VaR method can be used to describe the risk of the RMB financial products yield , and using it to measure the volatility of financial products yield is feasible .

  3. 我国人民币理财业务开始于1996年,发展于2004年。

    RMB managing money business was operated firstly in 1996 and developed greatly in 2004 .

  4. 关于人民币理财市场的思考

    Consideration about Market of RMB Financing

  5. 经历2008年全球金融危机之后,我国的人民币理财产品市场在创新中与调整中实现了飞速发展,呈现出新的特点。

    After the 2008 global financial crises , the market of financial products in 2009 developed rapidly .

  6. 在各个商业银行理财产品中,人民币理财产品显然是最重要的方面。

    In various financial products of Commercial banks , the RMB products is clearly the most important aspects .

  7. 但是国内的研究仅仅局限于人民币理财产品的不足等相关分析及比较笼统建议。

    However , the domestic study is limited on the shortcomings of RMB finances products and general suggestions .

  8. 本期人民币理财产品预期收益率仅供客户参考,并不作为齐鲁银行向客户支付理财收益的承诺;

    The predict RMB investment product yield here is only a reference , it won 't be the promise of benefit payment to client .

  9. 数据显示,我国商业银行人民币理财产品差异性显著,同质化问题已大大减轻。

    The result shows that there is a significant difference of the RMB financial products in these commercial banks and the problem of homogenization has been decreased greatly .

  10. 人民币理财业务是我国商业银行一项新的重要业务,这种业务开展程度如何将直接关系到我国商业银行未来的经营水平和市场竞争力。

    RMB financial planning business is a new important business in commercial banks of our country . It is vital to the development of our domestic commercial banks .

  11. 近年来,随着我国居民储蓄水平的不断提高,理财需求也日益提高和多元化,各大商业银行推出类型丰富的人民币理财产品。

    In recent years , as Chinese saving deposits level raises , the demand for finances diversifies . As a result commercial banks launch a broad range of RMB finances products .

  12. 近年来,随着国民生产总值和城乡居民可支配收入的提高,人民币理财产品越来越受到人们的重视。

    In recent years , along with the gross national product and disposable income of urban and rural residents increasing , the RMB financial products get more and more attention of people .

  13. 本文试图通过对购买人民币理财产品的客户特征进行分析,结合人民币理财的理论基础和目前客户细分和定位方面存在的问题,给出最后的结论和建议。

    This paper tried to analyze the customers ' characteristics and combine theoretical basis for banking finances and the existing problems of market segmentation and positioning of RMB finances products and finally give conclusions and recommendations .

  14. 基于此分析,本文从系统的角度论述了人民币理财业务中所涉及的个人投资者的偏好和回购债券市场的操作和风险,并相应建立模型。

    Base on such analysis , the paper uses a systematical language to describe the preference of individual investors and operation & its risk of national bond repurchasing related to RMB MMB , and establishes models correspondingly .

  15. 第四章是对作者收集的购买某商业银行人民币理财产品的客户特征的分析,分析内容包括购买不同类型人民币理财产品金额客户特征分析和购买不同金额的理财产品的客户特征分析。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the customers ' characteristics who bought RMB finance products , including the purchase of different types of RMB finances products , and the purchase of different characteristics of the amount of financial products .

  16. 实证研究表明,股份制商业银行的平均收益率高于四大国有控股银行,不同发行主体和类型的人民币理财产品收益率差异显著。

    The empirical research shows that the average income of the six joint-stock commercial banks are higher than the four state-controlled banks and the return rate of RMB financial products from different issuing agencies and different styles have a significant difference .