- 名European free trade area

EFTA [ European Free Trade Area ( Association ) ]
Andorra is not part of the EU , EFTA or the Euro zone .
Spurred by concern about China 's growing economic might , Germany is considering a plan for a free-trade zone between Europe and the US .
There are three representative regional cooperation organizations in the world now which are European Union , North American Free Trade Agreement and Association of South East Asian Nations .
Nowadays the world economy develops in the direction toward Regional Economic Integration , there are three typical Regional Economic Integration Organizations : the EU , NAFTA and ASEAN .
Different by compositions of developed country mainly with European Union and Free Trade Area of North America , China and most countries of Association of South-east Asian Nations are developing countries .
Among these organizations , EU ( European Union ), NAFTA ( North American Free Trade Area ) and APEC ( Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization ), have respective characteristics in practice .
Secondly , as a result of regional economic integration , EU , the North American Free Trade and the APEC expand gradually , which take a great influence to regional economy and the whole world economy .
The joint development of countries or of regions is in the ascendant from the European Economic Community to the Free Trade Area of North America to Asian & Pacific Region . The tendency toward regional economic integration is also merging in a country .
With the rapid progress of economic integration and constant improvement of cooperation , presently , EU and NAFTA have been deemed to be the most powerful , influential , and largest regional economic groups , and deeply affected the world wide economic development .
Once granted by the European Commission , a centralised ( or'Community ' ) marketing authorisation is valid in all European Union ( EU ) and EEA-EFTA states ( Iceland , Liechtenstein and Norway ) .