
  • 网络eu law;European Union Law
  1. 雷丁说,法国可能违反了欧盟法律。

    Reding said France may be breaking EU law .

  2. 欧洲委员表示,如果发现有某个成员国违反欧盟法律,其必须缴纳罚款。

    If found guilty of infringing EU law , member states would be handed financial penalties .

  3. 根据欧盟法律,公司可以撤销反倾销申诉。

    Under European law , a company can withdraw an anti-dumping complaint .

  4. 联合大陆证实将遵守欧盟法律。

    United Continental confirmed that it would comply with the EU legislation .

  5. 在这种背景下,有必要加强对欧盟法律区域化问题的研究与分析。

    Therefore , to study EU legal regionalization is necessary to be emphasized on .

  6. 足球运动与欧盟法律

    Football and the Law of European Union

  7. 按照欧盟法律,欧盟委员会必须在9个月内决定是否开征临时关税。

    Under EU law , the commission must decide within nine months whether to impose provisional duties .

  8. 欧盟法律制度及其形成的法律秩序在欧盟治理中发挥了至关重要的作用。

    The European legal system and the legal order it forms play an essential role in European governance .

  9. 但他们却觉得提议希腊退出欧元区、支持违反欧盟法律毫无问题。

    Yet they see no problem in advocating a breach of European law by proposing a Greek exit from the eurozone .

  10. 过渡期间,英国将继续适用欧盟法律,但在欧盟机构中不再有英方代表。

    During the transition , Britain will continue to apply EU laws but will no longer be represented in EU institutions .

  11. 她还将着手制订欧盟法律,以消除网络零售中不公平的商业模式。

    She still will begin law of formulate European Union , in order to eliminate a network retail in inequitable commercial pattern .

  12. 欧洲中央银行不能在欧盟法律框架之外独立存在,但在该法律框架下,欧洲中央银行的货币政策职能的独立行使会得到有效保护。

    ECB could not exist outside legal framework of European Community but could be effectively protected when performing monetary policy function independently .

  13. 数十名保守党议员呼吁英国否决欧盟法律,但政府认为这行不通。

    Dozens of Conservative MPs have called for a national veto of EU laws , which the government has ruled out as unworkable .

  14. 五十多年以来,欧盟法律区域化的发展在不断的促进欧洲联盟经济不断发展的同时,给世界也提供了新的研究领域。

    During the past fifty years , the regionalization of EU legal system accelerates the economic development and simultaneously provides new area of research .

  15. 品牌商标是非常有价值的公司资产,政府有违反各种与知识产权、国际贸易与欧盟法律有关的法律责任的危险。

    Brands are valuable corporate assets and the Government risks breaching various legal obligations relating to intellectual property rights , international trade and European law .

  16. 现代经济需要复杂的规则:英文版的欧盟法律条文有逾5500万个单词,相当于10万页左右。

    Modern economies require complex rules : the English version of EU law contains more than 55 million words , equivalent to about 1 00000 pages .

  17. 本文以欧盟法律区域化为例所进行的法律区域化问题研究,对经济全球背景下的法律区域化发展有一定的理论意义和实践意义。

    To study the case of EU legal regionalization reflects on the development of legal regionalization in the context of globalization , which has both theoretic and practical meaning .

  18. 拟订精确计划几乎是不可能的,因为就成员国退出欧元区而言,既无先例,欧盟法律也无既定程序可依。

    Precise plans are almost impossible to draw up because there is neither a precedent nor an established procedure under EU law for a country to exit the eurozone .

  19. 如果该条约为制裁经济违规增添了任何新的内容,而在这种制裁已经写进欧盟法律的情况下采取额外的严厉举措,后果甚至可能是有害的。

    To the extent that the treaty adds anything to the sanctions on economic indiscipline already being put into EU law , the additional rigidity could even be harmful .

  20. 根据欧盟法律,如果申诉满足某些基本要求,德古赫特将笃定展开调查,而有外交官和贸易律师表示这些要求已经得到满足。

    Under EU law , Mr de Gucht is bound to open an investigation if the complaint satisfies certain basic requirements which diplomats and trade lawyers have indicated it does .

  21. 根据欧盟法律,调查人员只需证明存在构建垄断组织的企图,不需证明其对产品市场的确切影响。

    Under EU law , investigators simply need to demonstrate that there was an attempt to form a cartel , rather than prove its exact effect on the product market .

  22. 欧盟法律规定,除非知识产权所有人有有效的权利和正被侵权的证明,否则禁止其发送这样的警告信。

    There are provisions in EU law that prohibit the sending of a warning letter unless the IPR owner has a valid right and evidence that it is being infringed .

  23. 在有人指控爱尔兰政府发布的两项预先税务意见给了苹果一个其他公司不具有的优势、违反欧盟法律之后,欧盟委员会展开了为期三年的调查后,最终出炉130页的判决书。

    A 130-page judgment by the commission follows a three-year investigation into claims that two advance tax opinions issued by Dublin violated EU law by granting Apple an advantage not available to other companies .

  24. 它还将成立一个由业界代表组成的小组,关注于隐私、信任和管理,到2008年底的时候就欧盟法律需要的任何更大的改变提交相关报告。

    It would also set up a group with industry representatives to focus on privacy , trust and governance and report back by the end of2008 on any broader changes needed to EU laws .

  25. 「为彻底执行欧盟法律,各国保护隐私权的机构将获得授权,得以对非欧盟资料管理者进行调查并提出法律诉讼。」她补充。

    " To enforce EU law , national privacy watchdogs ( 3 ) will be endowed with powers to investigate and engage in legal proceedings ( 4 ) against non-EU data controllers ," she added .

  26. 美国科技企业提出,要求它们受到过于严厉的欧盟法律的约束是不公平的,那么做可能导致代价高昂的行政负担,还可能使出错的公司面临巨额罚单。

    Us tech companies argue that it would be unfair for them to be subject to EU laws that are too stringent and could result in expensive administrative burdens and hefty fines for errant companies .

  27. 根据欧盟法律,总部设在苏格兰的银行可以在英国其余地区开设分支机构,但必须告知存款人,只有苏格兰政府为它们的存款提供保障。

    Under European law , it would be possible for a scottish-based bank to branch into the rest of the UK . But depositors must be made aware that only the Scottish government backed their deposits .

  28. 然而,因为这牵涉到欧盟法律,对申根协定进行彻底改革或许需要花费数年时间,还可能遭到一些认为自由流动原则不可侵犯的人的反对。

    But because it is a matter of EU law , outright reform of Schengen could take years to achieve and is be likely to face opposition from those who view the principle of free movement as inviolable .

  29. 尽管这项欧盟法律已于今年1月生效,但航空公司在2013年4月之前不必为碳排放付费,这就为外交家们留下了一个通过磋商达成协议的较大时间窗口。

    Although the EU legislation took effect in January , airlines will not have to hand over payments for their emissions until April 2013 , leaving open a long window of opportunity for diplomats to negotiate a solution .

  30. 以立法和司法实践说明了欧盟法律与其成员国法律之间的相互影响,进而揭示出当代两大法系相融合的某种趋势;

    Through the analysis of legislation and judicial practice , the author explains the interaction between the EU laws and the laws of its member states , and demonstrates the trend of merger between the two major legal systems .