
  • 网络Yamato nadeshiko
  1. 一般认为,日本妻子的最高成就,就是能做个大和抚子(yamatonadeshiko)。

    The pinnacle of achievement for a Japanese wife , supposedly , is to be a Yamato nadeshiko .

  2. 我曾问过一位已婚的日本女同事,大和抚子是什么意思。

    I once asked a married female Japanese colleague what this meant .

  3. 这样你才配称为高尚卓越的女,陆大和抚子了!

    This will make you to become outstanding woman , Da he Fu zhi !

  4. 说起来是训练成为大和抚子的地方,该进去那儿好呢?

    This is the place to train Da he Fu zhi , where should enter from ?