
chā huā
  • flower arrangement;ikebana;arrange flowers;mix
插花 [chā huā]
  • (1) [mix]∶搀杂;夹杂

  • 干部也插花编在各组内

  • (2) [ikebana]∶日本的插花技术,它着重形式的平衡

插花[chā huā]
  1. 认为男人不能插花的偏见已经不复存在了。

    Ann : There 's no longer the preconception that men cannot arrange flowers .

  2. 例如:园艺、散步或慢跑、插花、倾听触动心灵的音乐。

    Garden , walk or jog , arrange flowers , listen to music that touches your soul .

  3. 这所房子总是摆放着富有创意的插花。

    The house was always decorated with imaginative flower arrangements .

  4. 现在她为顾客定做漂亮的干花插花。

    She now makes wonderful dried flower arrangements to order

  5. 那样插花看上去很有艺术性。

    That flower arrangement looks very artistic .

  6. 列出多年生及一年生花朵各六种,它们必须是适合插花的

    Name six perennials and six annuals suitable for indoor flower arrangement .

  7. 暹罗和苏荷在Woo相遇。这是一家咖啡馆和概念店,泰式创意在这里绽放——是真的有花朵绽放——从植物和精致的插花开始。

    Siam meets Soho at Woo , a cafe and concept store that blooms with Thai creativity - literally - starting with plants and exquisite floral arrangements .

  8. 她说,如果你想点缀一些鲜花,就可能需要用到插花容器,比如她在RonaldoMaiaFlowers物色到的那款带有几个玻璃花瓶的金属丝花架。

    If you want to add fresh flowers , she said , you might use something like the metal-wire flower-holder with glass bud vases that she found at Ronaldo Maia Flowers .

  9. 面部肌肉张力没有吸引力也可以通过舒缓的音乐和简单的插花得到缓解。密苏里州堪萨斯城天然温泉的共同拥有人RichardDeLozier说。

    Unattractive tension in facial muscles also can be relieved by soothing instrumental music and simple flower arrangements , says Richard DeLozier , co-owner of Naturally Spa in Kansas City , Mo.

  10. 在客厅入口处,配置一株树桩、插花、五针松或罗汉松等,高度不超过1.8m,冠幅不超过1m。

    Entrance install in the living room a stub tree stake , flower arrangement , five needle pine or pine etc. , the high degree is not to exceed 1.8 ms , There are not exceed 1 m.

  11. 中国传统插花历史发展和艺术特点

    The History of Chinese Traditional Flower Arrangement and Its Artistic Characteristics

  12. 插花艺术精品课程建设的构思与实践

    Design and Practice on Excellent Course Construction of Flower Arrangement Art

  13. 古诗词意境与文人画意境之关系花言巧语告诉你插花与诗词

    The Relationship Between the Atmosphere of Ancient Poems and Scholar Paintings

  14. 好的。我对插花课很有爱好。

    Good . I 'm interested in lessons in flower arrangement .

  15. 现在海外也有很多女性开始学习插花。

    Ikebana has now spread to other parts of the world .

  16. 我对插花艺术一窍不通。

    Flower arrangement is an art that I know nothing of .

  17. 我妹妹总是把花摘来后由她自己插花。

    My sister always picked the flowers and arranged them herself .

  18. 她教人们插花艺术。

    She instructs people in the art of flower arranging .

  19. 你们这些孩子们都要参加插花比赛吗?

    Are all you children going for the flower-arranging competition ?

  20. 世界主要插花与花艺设计风格概述

    Several Styles of Flower Arrangement and Design in the World

  21. 安排的活动中有一项是插花艺术讲座。

    One of the scheduled events is a talk on flower arranging .

  22. 我很喜欢插花,并而且我由参加插花的课程。

    I like ikebana very much and I take classes in it .

  23. 中西方插花风格形成之比较分析

    A comparative analysis of the westi 's and Chinese style of flower arrangement

  24. 中国插花艺术发展简史

    The Brief Development History of Flower Arrangement in China

  25. 插花艺术作品综合评选的数学模型

    A Fuzzy Mathematical Model of Comprehensive Appraisal of Art Works of Flower Arrangements

  26. 插花?我又不是女孩。

    Flower arranging ? I 'm not a girl .

  27. 按照计划今天下午她将要做一场插花艺术的报告。

    She is scheduled to give a speech on flower arranging this afternoon .

  28. 浅谈西方式插花的创作特点

    On the Artistic Characteristics of Western Flower Arrangement Style Journey to the West

  29. 以自己的方式插花。

    She arranged the flowers in her own fashion .

  30. 我买了本《插花初学者手册》。

    I bought a copy of a beginner 's guide to flower arranging .