
chā qǔ
  • episode;interlude;interlude songs in a film or play;songs in a film or play
插曲 [chā qǔ]
  • (1) [episode]∶比喻事情发展中插入的特殊片断

  • (2) [songs in a film or play;interlude]∶穿插在电影、话剧中较有独立性的乐曲

插曲[chā qǔ]
  1. 那是肯特一家的生活中一段幸福的插曲。

    It was a happy interlude in the Kents ' life

  2. 他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲,和真正的商界没有多大关系。

    They thought the whole thing was a side-show , tangential to the real world of business .

  3. 尽管他们依然聊了很多,哈里却感到他们的浪漫插曲即将结束。

    Though they still talked a lot , Harry felt that their idyll was drawing to an end .

  4. 这个小插曲使听众哄然大笑。

    The incident made the listeners burst into laughter .

  5. 这首插曲与影片不搭调。

    The song doesn 't go well with the film .

  6. 使他感到最不安的事情是一件最微不足道的插曲。

    It had been the smallest event of all that had unsettled him the most .

  7. “在地质史中,这是一个小插曲,只是眨眼间的事情。看到如此迅速的变化,发生得如此之快,是一件令人吃惊的事情。”

    So in geological history , this is a [ blip ] , so it 's just a wink3 of an eye . And to see such rapid changes , or such changes … occurring so rapidly , is something that 's astonishing , I would say .

  8. 音频:《阿凡达》插曲YouDon'tDreaminCryo1.你知道怎么联系到警察局吗?

    Do you know how to connect to the police station ?

  9. 也许你很容易就能猜到,因电影《冰雪奇缘》在世界各国播放,其主题曲LetitGo(以及其他插曲)也有多国语言录制。

    As you can easily guess , Let It Go ( and the other Frozen songs ) were recorded in different languages for international versions of the film .

  10. tubelines的运营主管李琼斯(leejones)表示,这一插曲是(我们关系的)最低点,但也是一个巨大的机遇。

    Lee Jones , director of operations for tube lines , says the episode was a low point but a massive opportunity .

  11. 袁部长可谓真是知音,他告诉Daniel这首二胡乐曲是来自电影《冰山上的来客》插曲。

    Minister Yuan knew the piece well and told Daniel that the music is the interlude song of the film Visitor on the Icy Mountain .

  12. 个人Web发布趋势中最新插曲之一是Web日志(weblog),它是一种快速发布的格式,具有个人的、非正式的特性。

    One of the latest episodes in the personal Web publishing trend is weblogs , a form of rapid fire publishing , which often has a very personal and informal tone .

  13. 迪士尼的电影插曲一直以欢快荡漾、极具感染力而著称,它们常常能在你的脑海中回荡数月而不去。《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲LetItGo就是最近的一首代表之作。

    Disney is well-known for injecting its movies with bright , infectious music that bounces round in your mind for months on end , and no song in recent memory exemplifies this as well as Frozen 's Let It Go .

  14. 其中一首歌曲《Drenched》被选作国产影片《春娇与志明》的插曲并取得巨大成功。

    One of the songs , " Drenched " made it into a movie in China and became a huge hit .

  15. 即便经历了纽约那段插曲,卡恩在IMF工作人员中仍广受欢迎&是他抓住了全球金融危机的机会,让IMF摆脱了日益被边缘化的命运。

    Even after the New York episode , he was popular among many IMF employees , having seized the opportunity of the global financial crisis to bring the organization back from irrelevance .

  16. 《LaPoubelleAgréée》是巴黎生活的一段插曲,《出于模糊》则表达了作者的信条。

    " La Poubelle Agr éé e " is a Parisian set-piece and " From the Opaque " is essentially his writer 's credo .

  17. 就像在著名电视节目老友记中的插曲,没人知道Chandler上班的时候做什么一样,大多数人也不知道我做什么。

    Like the famous episode of the TV show Friends where nobody knows what Chandler does at work , most people don 't know what I do .

  18. 原来oops就是发现自己犯了小错误或出了一点没有意料的小插曲时说的,有点像中文里的“哎呀,糟了”。

    LL : People usually say oops to acknowledge that they have made a mistake or have had a minor accident .

  19. 今年20岁的肖遥就读于清华大学。凭着一首翻唱自Cascades的《雨中曲》(《阿甘正传》插曲),他以自己清新迷人的演绎,打动了上千网友的心。

    XIAO Yao , a20-year-old Tsinghua University student , has touched the hearts of hundreds of people with his own sweet version of The Cascades ` Rhythm of the Rain .

  20. 自这一奇怪插曲出现以来已过去整整18个月,该事件曾导致道琼斯指数(DowJones)在半小时内暴跌650点,8500亿美元市值蒸发,而后股市反弹。

    A full 18 months have passed since that strange episode , which caused the Dow Jones to tumble 650 points in half an hour , wiping $ 850bn off share prices , before rebounding .

  21. 在相同的插曲,佩里在Doofenshmirtz鸭嘴兽会被的三角恋爱。

    In the same episode , Perry the Platypus gets trapped in Doofenshmirtz 's love triangle .

  22. 在伸手不见五指的静谧午夜,有时会发生一些小插曲:或许是一个短信到来的声音,或许是iPhone手机提醒您收到新邮件的屏幕闪动,又或许是发现自己在盯着天花板,脑海中如放映电影般回顾一天的事情。

    SOMETIME in the dark stretch of the night it happens . Perhaps it 's the chime of an incoming text message . Or your iPhone screen lights up to alert you to a new e-mail . Or you find yourself staring at the ceiling , replaying the day in your head .

  23. 36个鉴定出的基因只占全部基因的0.13%,因此对植物基因组来讲,Retroposition是一个影响很小的进化小插曲。

    It seems that retroposition process is just a tiny branch of evolution since all of these retroposons accounting for only 0.13 % of the Arabidopsis gene inventory .

  24. 在第一段插曲中,在8岁,Jint对Abh帝国和他的父亲,马丁的总理看见了他的行星马丁放弃,安装如在Abh规则下面的马丁伯爵。

    In the first episode , at the age of8 , Jint saw his planet Martin surrender to the Abh Empire and his father , the Prime Minister of Martin , installed as the Earl of Martin under Abh rule .

  25. 死亡只是永恒国度的一个微不足道的小插曲。

    Death is but a physical incident in an immortal career .

  26. 这段凯恩斯主义“小插曲”给出两点重要启示。

    Two major implications of the Keynesian interlude are the following .

  27. 我讲述了我家史中的几段插曲。

    I related some of the episodes of my domestic saga .

  28. 这不过是我成长中的一个小插曲。

    This is just I grew up in a small episode .

  29. 也许,我永远只是你生命中的插曲。

    Perhaps , I forever am only in your life interlude .

  30. 嗯哈成盛传的一步,摆动插曲。

    Uh huh step into the vibe , swing the episode .