
  • 网络plunging
插车 [chā chē]
  • [families cooperation the way their livestocks pull one cart;use the cattle of different families to draw the same cart in the small-scale peasant economy] 指两家或几家农户的牲口合拉一辆车

  1. 基于Agent的无灯控交叉路口插车仿真研究

    Simulation Study of Vehicle-cross Action on No Lamp-control Intersection Based on Agent Technology

  2. 结果表明,插车间隙为3s时,道路的通行能力、司乘人员舒适度、车流、加速度以及车流稳态等方面均能达到最优。

    It is concluded that the road capacity , traveling comfort , vehicle acceleration and flow stability are satisfied when the headway is 3 s.

  3. 然后基于可插车间隙理论和概率论方法,给出两股车流情况下次路车流通行能力的计算方法,并对主路车流车头时距服从M3分布次路车流的理论模型进行了推导;

    Then , based on the gap acceptance theory and probability method , the capacity calculating method of minor stream is deduced on the condition of two vehicle streams , and theory model is derived when main stream headway fits M3 distribution .

  4. 你应先拔掉无线电插头,再做内部调整。插车内温度感知器线束接头进仪表板线束接头。

    You should disconnect the wireless set before you make adjustments inside it . Plug the in-vehicle temperature sensor wire harness connector into the instrument panel wire harness .